President's Challenge FAQ

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(Note: For information on the 2022 challenge, please visit the President's and Chancellor's Challenge.)

What are expectations of community partners? Are community partners required?

Community partners should be involved in the development, refinement, and finalizing of the proposals. They should have a clear understanding of their involvement as a part of the proposal process, and their role should the team be awarded funding.

As the focus of the President’s Challenge is to address the needs of the community, it is strongly encouraged that groups include at least one community partner on their team.

Are preproposals required?

Due to the condensed timeline, teams are strongly encouraged to submit the Check-in document by **. This will take the place of a pre-proposal step. The document will be utilized to support teams in the final two weeks, providing them with basic feedback, additional virtual coaching sessions, and possible additional connections.

Can I be on multiple teams?


Can my proposal span several focus areas?



 What does ‘participation’ in the proposal mean?


“Participation” means that a team member is actively involved in the drafting, finalizing, and submission of the proposal and every participant should have reviewed the final proposal before it is submitted. They have a clear understanding of their involvement as a part of the proposal process, and their role should the team be awarded funding.

How much money will be dispersed? What is the most a proposal can get?

Proposals may receive up to $50K. It is anticipated that smaller grant proposals will be submitted and may be awarded. Participants are strongly encouraged to rigorously review budget items to allow for the greatest allocation of resources across winning teams.

Total grant funding will be awarded at the time of announcement. Final budgets will be developed following the announcement of the winners.

What resources are available for me to help create a strong proposal?


Budget support: Mark Simonson

Design thinking: Kelsey Otero

Community Engagement: Dan Bergen


Who do I reach out to if I have additional questions?

What ways should I engage students?


Students can be part of the proposals in a variety of ways, including a budget line to support student hours; and, for-credit opportunities for participating. Teams may identify additional creative ways to engage students, but it is critical to ensure they are a part of the process.

What role are the advisors serving in the process?

The advisors are serving three purposes in supporting the teams:

  • As community members, partners, and faculty experts, they have been invited to bring their unique experience to inform the development of team proposals.
  • During sessions, they will be asked to provide a bit of their own background, and experience related to the topic, and then respond to questions/ideas that teams are considering.
  • They will not be a part of the selection process and have no additional role in the President’s Challenge—Racial Justice and Equity Response beyond serving as another supportive person in the development of proposals.