The McLibel Case

McDonald's (UK) site

McDonald's (USA) site

1. The McLibel Trial. The official anti-McDonalds campaign website, which is comprehensive and rich in information on the trial. Includes photos and court transcripts, as well as basic information.

2. Danaher, Kevin. “A Clash of Cultures: The McLibel Case.” Basic information on the trial and verdict.

3. “McLibel Case,” from Wikipedia. This is an entry in a ‘free encyclopedia.’ Gives an account of the case.

4. “McDonald’s Wins McLibel Case – but is ‘Culpably’ Cruel to Animals.” Brief report on the verdict of the case.

5. “The Out-of-Print Original Factsheet – Subject of the Libel Action.” This is the pamphlet that started the incident.

6. “McLibel Case.” Site summarizes the whole story from the perspective of American supporters of the protesters.

7. “McLibel Trial Breaks All British Legal Records.” This site clarifies the issues involved in the case.

8. Smith, Eric. “McLibel.” Contains comments from Morris, one of the defendants in the case.

9. “What’s Wrong with Ronald McDonald?” Interesting leaflet for kids, encouraging them to not be tricked by ‘the clown.’


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