

The accountancyage website

This is a comprehensive report of the Worldcom scandal which includes a special report and a news archive on the latest developments, comments by Graham Steinsberg, CEO CODA and analysis of the scandal



The findlaw website

This website contains news reports and all the documents of Worldcom, its SEC filings and related links to other sites including the Worldcom Corporation website, the White House website, US SEC website and the US House Committee and Financial Services website.


The Guardian website

Contains a special report from 2002 of the magnitude, the causes, background information relevant to the scandal.   Contains a list of related articles and links to websites useful for investigating the scandal. 


The SEC website

This is the SEC statement on Worldcom dated 26 th June 2002



The opensecrets website

Besides an article on the Scandal it contains a detailed spreadsheet of the total contributions made by Worldcom to the election campaign, names of house and the senate recipients, contributions to the Bush administration and the lobbying expenditures.


The PBS site

Contains interviews given by New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, David Chacon who was a stockbroker at Salomon Smith Barney.   It also contains a chronology of the Worldcom – Wallstreet connection, the major characters involved in the scandal and special report made by Frontline called “Dot con”


The CNNMONEY website 

Contains a comprehensive report on the scandal and list of the major highlights of the case



The havenworks website

Contains news reports and links to the major sites covering the scandal.   Also involves links to news reports on the major players, a link to the all the press releases of Worldcom at the MCI (its new name) site


 The site

Contains a comprehensive list of news reports spanning 4 webpages.  


 The CBSNEWS website

CBS's coverage of the Worldcom scandal containing the usual history of the scandal, the major players who were involved in the scandal.


Link to PBS Frontline program "Bigger than Enron"

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