(Revised October 2017)


The official title of this organization shall be the Marquette University Retiree Association (MURA). It shall include registered retired members of the faculty and staff of the university.

ARTICLE II. PURPOSES: The purposes of the association shall be:

a) to be the voice of its membership in discussion of university affairs;
b) to act as a clearing house for possible opportunities for individual members to be of service to the university;
c) to serve as a sounding board for inquiries concerning the interests and problems of retirees;
d) to provide opportunities for ongoing intellectual stimulation and social relationships among university retirees;
e) to facilitate efforts to maintain contact with fellow retirees, some of whom now reside elsewhere or whose health no longer permits personal participation in our activities.


Section 1. Membership in MURA shall be open to all retirees of Marquette University who have reached the age of 55 or older, with a combined age and years of service totaling 70 or more. Years of service must immediately precede the retirement date and must be consecutive.

Section 2. Spouses of MURA members--living or deceased--are also eligible for membership, subject to the same dues and fee structure as MURA members.

Section 3. Dues and fee structure will be established by the Board of Directors of the association (hereafter referred to as the Board) with approval of its membership.

Section 4. Upon dissolution of the association, the Board after paying all outstanding debts shall direct the remainder of the treasury to Marquette University.


Section 1: There shall be a Board with authority to manage the association property and regulate and govern its affairs. The Board shall determine policies and changes therein within the limits of the constitution and bylaws of the association, shall take such actions it considers necessary to carry out the purposes of the association, and shall perform such other functions as the membership shall direct.

Section 2: The Board shall consist of nine members. The Board appoints the executive director and recorder after soliciting input from the general membership. The chair of the Social Activities Committee is selected by that committee and approved by the Board. There are no term limits for these three positions. The remaining members of the Board shall consist of six members, serving two-year terms. Four members shall be selected from staff retirees and two from faculty retirees.


At its fall general membership meeting, the Board will solicit recommendations from members for individuals to serve on the board. The vice chair will then contact those recommended to determine their willingness to serve. At the spring general membership meeting, the Board will recommend candidates for membership to the Board for their approval. If there is more than one candidate for a position willing to serve, the general membership will vote at the spring meeting to determine the new Board member(s).

Section 3.  The Board shall elect from its membership the MURA officers, namely, chair and vice chair.

Section 4. The Board shall meet as needed to conduct the business of the association as determined by the chairs and the executive director or upon written request of the majority of the board members.


Section 1. The chair shall officiate at all meetings of the association and of its Board and shall be ex-officio member of all committees.

The vice chair shall officiate at all meetings in the absence of the chair and shall conduct the nomination and election process for the six elected board members.

The recorder shall take and distribute the minutes of all meetings. This position is appointed by the Board after soliciting input from the general membership.

The executive director is appointed by the Board after soliciting input from the general membership, who shall have general direction over the operations of the association, subject to the Board; shall implement all policies of the Board; shall submit to the Board such reports as the Board may require; and shall perform such other functions as the Board may direct, including the collection and distribution of all monies. The executive director shall be responsible directly to the Board and shall attend all meetings of the Board.

The executive director, the recorder and the chair of the Social Activities Committee shall be voting members of the Board.


Section 2. All officers of the association shall be seated during the meeting of the Board following the general membership in the spring.

Section 3. Officers’ terms of office shall be one year or until successors are selected. Service in one officer’s position for additional years is acceptable, as long as the individual remains a member of the Board.

Section 4. Vacancies in office shall be filled by the Board


Section 1. There shall be a minimum of two meetings of the membership per academic year, including one meeting in spring for the submission of annual reports.

Section 2. Special meetings of the membership shall be called by the chair with the advice of the Board or upon the majority of the membership.

Section 3. Notice of meetings shall be sent to members at least three weeks before the meeting.

Section 4. Meeting of the association shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, when not conflicting with the constitution of the association.


Section 1. Standing Committees
The Social Activities Committee shall be a standing committee whose purpose is to investigate and present social plans for the association after soliciting input from the current membership; to present these plans to the Board for its reaction and approval; and be responsible for all arrangements and announcements for these various social activities.

The Social Activities Committee shall consist of no fewer than three MURA members in addition to the MURA chair serving as an ex-officio member. With the Board's approval, the committee shall select a chair annually who will serve as a voting member of the Board. There are no term limits for chair or committee membership.

The Board will solicit recommendations from the current membership for appointments to the Social Activities Committee and, subsequently, will present these candidates to the current membership for approval.

Section 2. Other Committees
Other committees, whether ad hoc or standing, may be established by the Board and/or by action of the members.


This constitution and its bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of all members present at any membership meeting.