— December 3, 2007 —


  1. Dr. Miller named interim dean of nursing for the second time
  2. Tuition refunds can now be directly deposited
  3. Lessons and Carols concert to be celebrated Saturday
  4. Neuroscience, Biological Sciences and Chemistry to present seminars
  5. Live nativity taking place tonight and tomorrow
  6. Get Tom Crean’s autograph at the Spirit Shop
  7. Eucharistic Adoration to be held Thursday
  8. Apartment and facilities manager positions available
  9. Free drawing lessons offered at Haggerty Museum
  10. PURE Dance Marquette’s seasonal show is “WILD”
  11. Holiday Giving Tree gifts due Dec. 7
  12. Marquette Interchange highlights for the week of Dec. 3


1. Dr. Miller named interim dean of nursing for the second time

Dr. Judith Fitzgerald Miller, professor and associate dean for graduate programs and research in the College of Nursing, will serve as interim dean of the college, effective Jan. 1. She will succeed Dr. Ellen Rudy, who served as interim dean this semester following Dr. Lea Accord’s decision to return to faculty status. This is the second time Miller has been named interim dean, having served in that position during the 2002-03 school year.

“Dr. Miller has demonstrated effective administrative leadership in our College of Nursing for more than 12 years," Provost Madeline Wake said. "She is well-respected by college faculty, university officials and nursing colleagues nationwide. We are grateful that she is willing to assume this additional responsibility as we continue our national search for a new dean.” Wake said both she and Dr. Dave Shrock, who will become interim provost when Wake goes on sabbatical Jan. 1, endorsed Dr. Rudy’s recommendation of Miller.

Miller earned her bachelor’s degree at UW-Madison, her master’s degree at Marquette and a Ph.D. in nursing from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She was appointed to the Marquette faculty in 1971 and has served as associate dean of academic affairs in addition to her current position.

The author of more than 40 books and articles, Miller has focused her research on psychosocial responses to chronic illness and is currently part of an interdisciplinary team at the Medical College of Wisconsin looking at the “chemobrain” phenomenon in women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer. She authored Coping with Chronic Illness: Overcoming Powerlessness, which is now in its third edition.

In 2003 Miller received six years of funding, totaling $3 million, from the Health Resources and Services Administration to establish Marquette’s Ph.D. program in nursing to support teacher/scholars.

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2. Tuition refunds can now be directly deposited

The Office of the Bursar now offers direct deposit for student refunds due to financial aid disbursements, student loans, etc.

To have spring 2008 refunds deposited directly into your checking account, turn in necessary information to the Office of the Bursar by Friday, Dec. 20. After this date, the Office of the Bursar will continue processing enrollment forms for refunds generated later in the term.

Access the Direct Deposit Authorization Agreement Form, print it, fill in the required information, attach a voided check and turn it in to the Office of the Bursar, 1618 W. Wells St.         

3. Lessons and Carols concert to be celebrated Saturday

The Marquette University Chorus, Chamber Choir, Liturgical Choir and The Naturals will perform the sixth annual “Lessons and Carols” concert celebration of Christ’s birth Saturday, Dec. 8, at 7:30 p.m. at Gesu Church. The concert, “Magnificat: Blessed Are You,” is free and open to the public.

4. Neuroscience, Biological Sciences and Chemistry to present seminars

Dr. R. Christopher Pierce, associate professor of pharmacology and psychiatry at the Boston University School of Medicine, will present the Integrative Neuroscience Center seminar Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 4 p.m. in Cramer Hall, room 004E. His presentation is “CaMKII: The Biochemical Bridge Linking Nucleus Accumbens Dopamine and Glutamate Systems Underlying the Reinstatement of Cocaine Seeking.” For more information, contact Cathy Morrell at 8-8329.

Dr. Scott G. Kennedy, assistant professor of molecular and cellular pharmacology at the University of Madison-Wisconsin, will present the Department of Biological Sciences seminar “A Novel Nuclear RNAi Pathway in C. elegans,” at 3:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7, in Wehr Life Sciences, room 111.

Dr. Fawn Uhl, of Owens Corning Co., will present the Department of Chemistry’s colloquium on Friday, Dec. 7, at 4 p.m., in the Todd Wehr Chemistry Building, room 121. Uhl will speak on “Innovation at Owens Corning.”

5. Live nativity taking place tonight and tomorrow

Straz Tower Residence Hall will hold a “Bring Home Jesus” 24-hour live nativity from 10 p.m. today, Dec. 3, through 10 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 4, in front of Raynor Memorial Library.

Donations will be collected during the live nativity and in the lobby of Straz Tower Residence Hall to benefit abused and abandoned children in Milwaukee.

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6. Get Tom Crean’s autograph at the Spirit Shop

Tom Crean, men’s basketball coach, will greet visitors and sign autographs at the Spirit Shop on Thursday, Dec. 6, from 4 to 6 p.m. A free media guide will be given away with each $50 purchase.

Call 8-3050 for more information.

7. Eucharistic Adoration to be held Thursday

Catholic Outreach and University Ministry are sponsoring Eucharistic Adoration with Benediction on Thursday, Dec. 6, at 8 p.m. in the Chapel of the Holy Family.

8. Apartment and facilities manager positions available

An information session about apartment facilities manager positions will be held Thursday, Dec. 6, from 8 to 9 p.m., Campus Town East lounge, 1500 W Wells.

The Office of Residence Life is accepting applications for apartment and facilities manager positions for the 2008-2009 academic year. Managers are responsible for the day-to-day operation and administration of their apartment building or residence hall. Junior, senior and graduate students with at least two years of work experience are encouraged to apply.

For more information or an application packet, contact Dannie Moore, 8-5468, Dana Northrup, 8-3100, or Dan Bergen, 8-7281.

9. Free drawing lessons offered at Haggerty Museum

in conjunction with the Lam exhibition at the Haggerty Museum of Art, the museum is offering a series of gallery drawing sessions for the Marquette community. Museum staff and trained artists Dan Herro, John Loscuito and Ric Stultz will teach participants how to draw Lam-inspired creatures and figures Friday, Dec. 7, from noon to 1 p.m. Paper and pencils will be provided. All skill levels are welcome and reservations are not needed. For more information, call Lynne Shumow at 8-5915.

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10. PURE Dance Marquette’s seasonal show is “WILD”
PURE Dance Marquette's second seasonal show, “WILD,” will take place Friday, Dec. 7, at 7 p.m. in the Weasler Auditorium. Dances of all genres will be performed. The show is free, but PURE Dance will collect donations and sell carnations and food to benefit a wildlife charity.

11. Holiday Giving Tree gifts due Dec. 7

Everyone who took a gift tag for the Holiday Giving Tree, sponsored by Marquette volunteers, must drop off gifts by Friday, Dec. 7. Gifts can be dropped off at the AMU Information Desk, Lalumiere 340, the Rec Center or the Rec Plex. Gift tags should be securely attached to the gifts.

Contact Kathleen Hawkins for more information.

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12. Marquette Interchange highlights for the week of Dec. 3

• All of the demolition and almost all of the pile driving are complete. Most of the beams and girders are in place, leaving pouring and stripping as a big part of the remaining work

• Night work could cause noise this week:

* behind Straz Tower, today, Dec. 3, on the ramp from eastbound I-94 to northbound I-43

* east of the Law School on the new bridge, through Friday, Dec. 7

* behind Straz Tower on the ramp from westbound I-794 to northbound I-43, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 4 and 5

• Milling and patching pavement south of Straz Tower during the day Wednesday, Dec. 5, could cause noise.

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