1. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to visit tomorrow, tickets still available

Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will speak at Marquette tomorrow, April 5, at 10 a.m. in the Varsity Theatre.

As part of a series of appearances across the country, Mullen’s “Conversation with the Country” will include opening remarks followed by a question and answer period. Preceding the event, Mullen will have breakfast with ROTC cadets and midshipmen.

Tickets are required for the “Conversation with the Country” and are available in the AMU Brooks Lounge. There is a limit of two tickets per Marquette ID. Contact University Special Events at 8-7431 with questions or special needs. For security reasons, backpacks and signs will not be allowed in the theatre; backpacks can be checked in the tent on the west side of the theatre along the walkway. Purses will be screened at the door.

Mullen was sworn in as the 17th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Oct. 1, 2007.

The admiral’s appearance at Marquette was arranged through Jim Runde, a NROTC alumnus and trustee, and is sponsored by the departments of Aerospace Studies, Military Science and Naval Science.

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2. ESPN analyst to speak about journalism and entertainment

Chris Broussard, ESPN The Magazine and ESPN.com senior writer, will present “The Decision: Journalism, Gossip or Entertainment” for the J. William and Mary Diederich College of Communication Axthelm Lecture. The lecture, which is free and open to the public, is 5 p.m., tomorrow, April 5, in the Helfaer Theatre.

Broussard appears regularly on ESPN, serving as an NBA analyst on shows such as SportsCenter, Outside the Lines, ESPN’s First Take, NBA Fastbreak, NBA Coast to Coast, ESPN News and Mike and Mike in the Morning.

The Pete and Bonnie Axthelm Memorial Program was established to acknowledge and recognize the life of Pete Axthelm, a former writer at the New York Herald Tribune, Sports Illustrated and Newsweek, and his sister, Bonnie, a former Media Networks and 3M executive.

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3. “Prospects for Women in Tomorrow’s Church” to be discussed by Sister Anne E. Patrick

Sister Anne E. Patrick, SNJM, Ph.D., Laird Professor of Religion and the Liberal Arts (Emerita) at Carleton College of Northfield, Minn., will present “What In God’s Eye [S]he Is: Prospects for Women in Tomorrow’s Church” Wednesday, April 6, at 7 p.m. in the AMU Ballrooms.

Sister Patrick is a member of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, a past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America and a founding vice president of the International Network of Societies for Catholic Theology. She has been a director of the Society of Christian Ethics, an editor for the Religious Book Club, and a columnist for Liturgy. Her writings on religious, ethical and literary topics have appeared in many books and periodicals, and she is the author of Liberating Conscience: Feminist Explorations in Catholic Moral Theology and Women, Conscience, and the Creative Process.

The program, which will be followed by a Q&A session and reception, is sponsored by the offices of Mission and Ministry and the Provost.

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4. Public Safety update

The Marquette student diagnosed with what is now a laboratory-confirmed case of bacterial meningitis (meningococcal disease) remains hospitalized and is responding to treatment. This remains an isolated case with no other cases being reported. Marquette University continues to work closely with the Milwaukee Health Department in this investigation.

Student Health Service has notified housemates, close friends and family members who have had prolonged direct contact with the ill student, and they have received appropriate preventive antibiotic medications. In addition, Student Health Service, in consultation with the Milwaukee Health Department, is notifying additional students who may have had direct contact with the ill student at social events shortly before the student became ill. This is a precautionary measure to determine the extent of contact and whether students should be recommended for preventive antibiotic treatment. Due to health and educational privacy laws, the university is limited in the information it can provide about an ill student.

Symptoms of bacterial meningitis are the sudden onset of a headache, fever, sore neck and nausea and/or vomiting. Any student having such symptoms should seek medical attention. Student Health Service can be reached at 8-7184; it is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Students can help prevent meningitis or any other contagious disease by maintaining good health and hygiene. This includes frequent hand washing and avoiding sharing materials that touch the mouth, such as eating utensils, water bottles, drinking cups, cigarettes or lip balms. Avoiding behaviors that weaken a person’s immune system such as smoking or binge drinking can decrease the risk of infection.

A meningococcal vaccine is available through Student Health Service. The vaccine is effective and recommended for college-age students.

Further information on meningitis is available on the Milwaukee Health Department and Student Health Service websites.

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5. Spiritual life; LGBT issues to be discussed at Faber Center lectures

The Faber Center for Ignatian Spirituality will host "What John Wesley (the founding inspiration of the Methodist Church) and Ignatius tell us about the spiritual life: The common ground between saints of different traditions" Monday, April 11, from noon to 1 p.m. in AMU 313. Rev. Tony Sayer, pastor of Abernethy United Methodist Church in Asheville, N.C., and Mike Hogan, director of the Faber Center, will speak. A light lunch will be served. RSVP by Friday, April 8, to 8-4545.

The Faber Center will also present part II of the Annual Faber Lecture on Wednesday, April 13. Rev. Paul Check, Catholic priest and executive director of Courage International, a Roman Catholic Apostolate, will speak about the Church’s position on LGBT issues, discussing “The Catholic Church and Homosexuality: severe or sensible?” The reception will begin at 3:30 p.m., followed by the 4 p.m. presentation and Q&A, in AMU 157. Register at 8-4545.

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6. Casper Lecture to honor Rev. John Donnelly, S.J.

“Standing for Mass, Seated for Sermon: An Unexpected Liturgical Consequence of the Protestant Reformation” will be the subject of The Rev. Henry W. Casper, S.J., Lecture for the Department of History. Dr. Raymond Mentzer, professor of history and the Daniel J. Krumm Family Chair in Reformation Studies at the University of Iowa, will deliver the lecture at 7:30 p.m., Monday, April 11, in Cudahy 001. This year’s lecture is being held in honor of Rev. John Patrick Donnelly, S.J., professor of history, who is retiring at the end of this semester.

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7. Faculty to share how they arrived at their academic focus

Dr. Lea Acord, Dr. Alexander Drakopoulos and Dr. Michael Duffey will share the paths they followed to their academic focus at “One Thing Led to Another,” Tuesday, April 12, from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Raynor Beaumier Suites BC.

• Acord, professor of nursing, will present “From Security to Opportunity”

• Drakopoulos, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, will present “Colorful neon signs!”

• Duffey, associate professor of theology, will present “An accidental trip to Central America”

A free, light lunch will be served. RSVP to Jennie Schatzman, office coordinator. Walk-ins are also welcome. For more information contact Kathy Durben, director of project planning and development in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, at 8-5470; or Dr. Susan Mountin, director of Manresa for Faculty, at 8-3693.

The event is co-sponsored by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and Manresa for Faculty with the Center for Teaching and Learning.

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8. “Ethics and immigration” is topic of Gathering Points lecture

Dr. Kristin Heyer, associate professor of religious studies at Santa Clara University, will discuss “Kinship Across Borders: Christian Ethics and Immigration” Tuesday, April 12, at 7 p.m. in the Weasler Auditorium for the Gathering Points lecture series. Heyer is an ethicist whose recent work has focused on Catholic social teaching and the relationship between faith and politics. The series features topics on the contemporary Catholic Church and is sponsored by Marquette and Church of the Gesu.

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9. Teachers of the Year to participate in College of Education roundtable

The College of Education will host a reception and roundtable discussion honoring three Marquette alumnae who have been named 2010 Wisconsin Teachers of the Year on Thursday, April 14, in the Weasler Auditorium. The reception will begin at 6 p.m., followed by the roundtable discussion at 7 p.m. Chosen for their instructional innovation, leadership and community involvement, the honorees are Middle School Teacher of the Year and Wisconsin Teacher of the Year Maureen Look-Ainsworth, Arts ’86; High School Teacher of the Year Claudia Felske, Arts ’90; and Special Services Teacher of the Year Peggy Wuenstel, Sp ’80.

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10. $1,500 award available for International Poster Session

The deadline for submissions to the Office of International Education’s International Research Poster Session has been extended to Friday, April 8. Posters should showcase international research among faculty members from all educational disciplines. Guidelines for poster projects are available online.

A panel of peer judges will select two posters to be presented at the poster session on Monday, April 18, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the AMU. Presenters will receive a $1,500 award. For more information or to submit project abstracts, contact Erin LeMoine, international communication and marketing coordinator, at 8-7289.

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11. Lenten Taize prayer service to be held tomorrow

A Lenten Taize prayer service will be held tomorrow, April 5, at 8 p.m. in the AMU Chapel of the Holy Family. Taize prayer is an ecumenical form of prayer that includes short, meditative songs interspersed throughout the prayer, the reading of Scripture, a period of silent reflection and prayers of intercession. The atmosphere is informal and reflective with candles illuminating the worship space. For more information, contact Tom Koester, assistant director of campus ministry, at 8-6873.

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12. Haggerty Museum holding cultural identity panel discussion

In conjunction with The Truth is Not in the Mirror — Photography and a Constructed Identity exhibition, the Haggerty Museum of Art will host a cultural identity panel discussion with SNAPMilwaukee writers/artists Wednesday, April 6, at 6 p.m. in Eckstein 246. Panelists are Joe Riepenhoff, moderator; Kate Brandt, performance artist; Amelinda Burich, musician; John Riepenhoff, visual artist; and Sarah Buccheri, film and video artist. The discussion will be preceded at noon by a Lunchtime Learning gallery walk-through with Wally Mason, director of the museum.

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13. Invisible Children group hosting film and Ugandan speaker

The student organization Invisible Children will host “The Congo Tour” Wednesday, April 6, at 7 p.m. in Emory Clark 111. The event includes a screening of Invisible Children’s new documentary, Tony, as well as a speaker from Uganda who has participated in the Invisible Children scholarship program.

The event will provide information about the child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central Africa Republic, Sudan and Uganda, and the actions Invisible Children is taking to create peace and rehabilitate the rescued children soldiers.

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14. Alumnus to present documentary and participate in discussion

The documentary Only a God Can Save Us will be shown Thursday, April 7, in Helfaer Theatre followed by a panel discussion with the film’s producer, Jeffery van Davis. The film will begin at 4:30 p.m. and the post-film discussion will follow at 6:30 p.m.

Van Davis, who attended Marquette in 1966 and 1967, has presented his documentary at national and international film festivals and universities.

The film critically analyzes German philosopher Martin Heidegger’s association with Nazism, his contribution to 20th century philosophical thought and how he was influenced to support the National Socialist revolution. The discussion will examine practical, ethical, theoretical and intellectual questions related to the film.

The event is sponsored by the Honors Program and departments of Political Science, History, Philosophy and Foreign Language and Literatures. For more information, contact the Honors Program at 8-7516.

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15. Psychology, philosophy, biology and chemistry seminars this week

The Department of Psychology will hold a colloquium Thursday, April 7, at 3:30 p.m. in Cramer Hall 104J. Dr. Anthony Burrow, assistant professor of psychology at Loyola University Chicago, will present “Racial identity in the context of discrimination.”

Dr. James Lennox, professor of history and philosophy of science at the University of Pittsburgh, will present “Aristotle on Norms of Inquiry” Thursday, April 7, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Emory Clark Hall 111. The presentation is for Marquette University’s Midwest Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, with support from the Mellon Fund and the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences. For more information, contact Dr. Owen Goldin, professor of philosophy, at 8-5949.

Dr. Ann-Charlotte Granholm, professor of neurosciences at the Medical University of South Carolina, will present a seminar Friday, April 8, at 3:15 p.m. in Wehr Life Science 111. Granholm will present “Keeping Track of Trk: Growth Factors and the Aging Process.” Refreshments will be served at 3 p.m. For more information, call the Department of Biological Sciences at 8-7355.

Dr. Brian Bennett, associate professor of biophysics at the Medical College of Wisconsin, will present “Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Metal Ions: Towards In Vivo Structural Biology.” This Department of Chemistry colloquium will be Friday, April 8, at 4 p.m. in Todd Wehr Chemistry 121. Refreshments will be available beginning at 3:45 p.m.

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16. Libraries hosting bake sale; study space expanded; newsletter posted

Raynor Memorial Libraries will hold a bake sale for relief efforts in Japan tomorrow, April 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Raynor Library lobby. The sale will include baked treats and a selection of fruit and low-fat items. All proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross for victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.  

Raynor Memorial Libraries have also posted the March issue of Ex Libris, an occasional newsletter of recommended reading. The issue highlights contemporary reading choices in the Libraries’ Browsing Collection, plus literary prizewinners.

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17. Graduate School holding open house this week

The Graduate School will host an open house Thursday, April 7, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the AMU Ballrooms. Information about the application process, financial aid and the Graduate School’s more than 40 programs will be provided.

RSVP by tomorrow, April 5, at 8-7137.

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18. Free healthy cooking demonstration offered

The Employee Wellness Program and Sodexo have partnered to offer a free Healthy Cooking Series of demonstrations to teach how to cook tasty and healthy meals in minutes. “There’s No Time, Healthy Breakfast” will be held Thursday, April 7, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. in AMU 163.

Contact Amy Melichar, coordinator, Student Health Service/Center for Health Education and Promotion, at 8-5217 to register. Space is limited.

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19. Free buttons and stickers available for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Members of VOICE (Violence Opposition in Community Education) will hand out free buttons and stickers in the AMU second floor lobby April 5-7 for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Information about sexual assault and how to help others become more aware of sexual violence will also be provided.

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20. Last week of $7 massages for Massage-A-Thon

Physical therapy students are holding their Massage-A-Thon through Friday, April 8, at Schroeder Health Complex 397. Hours are Monday and Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday noon to 8 p.m. and Friday noon to 6 p.m.

Cost is $7 for every 15 minutes, up to 60 minutes. Appointments can be scheduled by e-mail. Walk-ins are welcome. Gift certificates are also available.

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