Department of Psychology
Cramer Hall, 317
604 N. 16th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 288-7218
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Most psychologists recognize that emotions are necessary for survival. Our lab is interested in understanding how emotional states impact the way people understand and interact with their worlds. Specifically, we are investigating the ways emotions help guide behavior and interpret information. This work is not possible without the intellectual contributions of the graduate students in the lab.
The role of emotion in resolving ambiguity
Humans are social creatures. And, most social interactions have some degree of ambiguity. The way individuals typically resolve that ambiguity is a key factor in whether they have positive or negative social relationships.
Emotion Regulation
Emotion does not occur in a vacuum. Whether we recognize it or not, we often regulate our emotions as they occur. Understanding the tools people use to regulate their emotions and how that influences behavior is another topic we are interested in.
What will this lab experience provide to undergraduate students?