A warm welcome to the alumni and friends of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Marquette University.

Thank you for your commitment, care and generosity to this department. The service you provide to our students and faculty has enabled several fellowships, Chair appointments and valuable direction for our department. Notably, several of you have served or currently serve on our department’s industrial advisory board, providing critical guidance and inspiration which has helped us serve our students and our community better.

Additionally, through the generosity of your gifts, the Electrical and Computer Engineering department has created Endowed Chairs in areas of strategic interest and provided several students with named fellowships and leadership program opportunities. Your generosity does not go unnoticed. In fact, as present Dean and alum of the Opus College of Engineering, Dr. Kris Ropella, puts it: with your support and guidance, our students have the opportunity to become fearless leaders, agile thinkers and effective doers. Ultimately, they have the tools required to Be the Difference.

One cannot state enough: the community that students experience continues long after graduation. It transforms into a rich and supportive network of alumni who remain connected their entire lives. To this end, feel free to contact us with any news, questions or concerns you may have concerning the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. We thank you sincerely for your dedication and appreciate your constant support.

How can you help?

Make your gift online today. Choose "Scholarship Fund - Opus College of Engineering" or "Other" and insert the name of the engineering program to which you'd like to donate. Or, contact Karlyn Agnew, Director of Development, at (414) 288-6958 to discuss your giving options.