Advice from Family Studies Graduates

Father fishing with daughter"Pick a topic that is interesting to you, that will keep you engaged and that you can enjoy and have a little fun with."

"Although reviewing literature is necessary, do more with it. Go out and explore your topic; you might be surprised at your findings."

"Even doing just a literature review takes a fair amount of time, and depending on your topic, can be hard to find. Start early!"

"Talk to others about your topic. They may have opinions or perspectives that can help shape and/or organize your paper. Also, it's much easier to write such a large paper when the topic interests you, so definitely write about something that you enjoy because a lot of research goes into this paper."

"Start early! Make sure that the topic is one that will interest you, however, do not make it too broad. Twenty pages seems like a lot, but it really is not once you get started."

"When you pick your topic, be sure it is one that is interesting to you. This will make writing the paper much more enjoyable. In addition to the lit review or existing research, try to add an application component to your paper; it will make the paper more engaging to the reader. Start early but don't freak out. Twenty pages is not as long as it seems."