Haley W.

Tutor, Ott Memorial Writing Center

Tutoring Expertise and Passion

My name is Haley W. The pronouns I prefer to use are she/her/hers. I am studying Accounting and Writing-Intensive English. This is my 4th year at Marquette. The writers I like are Dan Brown, David Sedaris, and J.K. Rowling and my favorite genres to write are creative writing and literary analysis. As a tutor I like to work on any kind of English papers.


Citation Expertise


Statement of Philosophy

My tutoring philosophy is simple—accept and adapt. Accept the obvious difference in others: looks languages, gender, etc. But also accept everything else: introvert vs. extrovert, can someone handle criticism well, is someone shy when meeting new people, etc. Accept the fact that one person is excited to show others their work and that another is nervous and scared. Accept where someone is in the writing process, whether they haven’t started at all or they’ve got ideas or they have a rough draft or a more final draft. Once all these things are accepted, adaptation can happen.

My job is to adapt to whatever the writer needs. Are you a calm, introverted individual? Great, I’ll tone down the enthusiasm. Are you an outgoing, extroverted person? Well, let’s get this party started. Do you hate showing other people your writing? No worries, I’m only here to help and guide, no judgement, and I’ll show you what you do well. Do you want critique, straight and to the point? Okay, no sugarcoating here. Do you need someone to bounce ideas off of before you can start? I’ve got my thinking cap on, and let the brainstorming begin. Just need a final read through? I’ve got you. In short, I’m here to help you, no matter who you are or what you need. My goal is for you to walk away from our conference feeling better, more confident about your work than when you came in.


  • Focus more on my individual tutoring strategy
  • Get more involved with Ott activities and outreaches
  • Gain more knowledge about disciplines outside of my own