Maaz A.

Tutor, Ott Memorial Writing Center

Tutoring Expertise and Passion 

My name is Maaz A (rhymes with The Wizard of Oz) and I use he/him/his pronouns. I’m currently studying Digital Media and Theatre Arts with an emphasis in directing. This is my second year at Marquette. Some of my favorite writers are Tony Kushner (Angels in America), Simone de Beauvior (The Ethics of Ambiguity), and my mom (lengthy texts about how I need to call home more often). As a tutor I am most comfortable with critical analysis, rhetorical analysis, and philosophy papers, but I love trying my hand in different genres!

Citation Expertise


Multilingual Expertise

Semi-fluent in Urdu and Hindi

Statement of Philosophy 

Writing is one of the most versatile ways to express one’s ideas. There are a million different ways one could take when it comes to asserting their feelings and making their voice heard. Other than speech, writing is also one of the most used mediums to highlight the voices of the oppressed. I write to let my ideas stand for themselves and uplift the people around me. As a tutor, I aim to help my writers bring their best ideas to the forefront and give them the opportunity to stand on their own. I hope to leave my writers with skills to help their future work and spark a relationship where they feel comfortable coming back to the writing center to have even more collaborators. Everyone’s ideas and everyone’s voices deserve to be heard, and I hope that we at the Ott can make that a reality. Alongside that, I think the importance of collaboration is greatly understated in academia. Some of my best work comes from bouncing it off the people around me and using their support- I hope to be that support for students across campus. Everyone deserves a chance to use writing to their best ability, and I hope that we can provide those opportunities to students of all kinds.



  • Feel comfortable with papers that are slightly out of my depth.

  • Create a comfortable and inviting environment for all writers.

  • Get my writers to laugh at least once in a session!