What you do in the classroom matters. Your behavior will not only impact your grades, but it will also impact the very important letters of recommendation that your professors will write for you.
Classroom Do’s
Classroom Don’ts
- Take notes while your professor is lecturing.
- Arrive to class on time.
- If possible, arrive a few minutes early to find a good seat and get settled.
- During the first few weeks of each semester, set aside some extra time to find your classes.
- Read the material before class.
- If you find yourself with limited time, at the very least, skim the reading.
- Professors know when a student has not done the reading.
- Ask questions when something does not make sense.
- If you do not want to ask during the lecture, see your professor after class or in office hours. You can always email your professor. How to email faculty and staff.
- If you are expecting a call during class time, inform your professor.
- Professors are usually understanding of different situations, and if you let them know ahead of time, they may let you leave the room for a few minutes to answer the call.
- If you are going to miss a class, tell your professor ahead of time.
- If you do miss a class, ask a classmate for a copy of their notes or ask them for details of what you missed.
- Don’t talk while your professor is lecturing or when other students are called on to speak.
- Don’t sleep in class.
- Professors are really good at seeing everything from the front of the room.
- Rest well outside of class.
- Don’t use your phone.
- Turn your phone off in class, or at the very least turn the ringer completely off and put your phone away.
- Professors may penalize your grades if they notice you are using your phone in class.
- Don’t use social media on your laptop or any device while in the class. Not only will you distract yourself, but you will also distract your peers.
- Don’t leave class early unless you have asked for permission first.
- If you know you have to leave early, let your professor know before class, or send him or her an email ahead of time if you know in advance that you will have to leave early.
- Don’t be afraid to ask your professor about any questions you may have.