National Catholic Conference For Interracial Justice Records SUBJECT FILES, 1959-1986

Series 18

Series Box Folder Folder Title
18 1 1 Agricultural Democracy, 1969
18 1 - American Civil Liberties Union
18 1 2 General Correspondence, 1963-1964
18 1 3 Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee, 1964-1967
18 1 4 American Jewish Committee, 1961-1967, 1972-1974
18 1 5 American Red Cross (segregated blood banks), 1961
18 1 6 Anti-Busing Statement by President Nixon, 1972
18 1 7 Ave Maria, 1964-1968
18 1 8 Bishops, 1959-1962, 1967, 1983-1986
18 1 - Cairo, Illinois (support for Black United Front in dispute with Belleville Diocese over use of closed parish),
18 1 9 1969-1971
18 1 10 1972-1973
18 1 11 Call to Action Resolutions, 1976
18 1 12 Cambodia Bombing Amicus Brief, 1973
18 1 13 Canon Law, 1965-1968
18 1 14 Capital Punishment, 1971

Series 18

Series Box Folder Folder Title
18 2 1 Catholic Commission on Civil Disorder, "Catholic Riot Commission," 1968
18 2 2 Catholic Education (study funded by Carnegie Corporation), 1962
18 2 3 Catholic Press Association, Workshop on Race Relations and the Catholic Press, 1961
18 2 4 Catholic Student Organizing Project, 1962-1965
18 2 5 Catholics Against Proposition 14, 1964-1967
18 2 6 Church and State, 1960
18 2 - Civil Rights Act of 1964,
18 2 7 General Correspondence, 1963-1964
18 2 8 Title I: Voting Rights, 1965
18 2 9 Title IV: Public Education, 1966
18 2 10 Title VI : Equal Opportunity in Federally-Assisted Programs, 1965-1967
18 2 11 Civil Rights Act of 1966 (Proposed), 1966

Series 18

Series Box Folder Folder Title
18 2 12 Communism, 1961-1965
18 2 13 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 1961-1966
18 2 14 Conservative Catholics, 1968
18 2 15 Davis, Angela, 1971-1972
18 2 16 Direct Action, 1962-1964
18 2 17 Fair Employment Practices Legislation, 1962
18 2 18 Food Stamp Program, 1976
18 2 19 Fort Worth Five (Irish-Americans charged with supplying guns to IRA), 1972-1973
18 3 1 Fraternities, 1962, 1965
18 3 2 Freedom Riders,1960-1962
18 3 - Housing Discrimination,
18 3 3 Illinois Fair Housing Law, 1967
18 3 4 Jones v. Mayer Amicus Brief, 1967-1968

Series 18

Series Box Folder Folder Title
18 3 5 Interracial Marriage, 1962-1966
18 3 6 Jesuits, 1965-1968
18 3 7 Johnson, Lyndon B. Administration, 1963-1966
18 3 8 Kennedy, John F. Administration, 1960-1963
18 3 - Knights of Columbus,
18 3 9 By-Laws change, 1964
18 3 10 General correspondence, 1961-1965
18 3 11 Latin American Apostolate, 1971
18 3 12 Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, 1961-1968, 1973, 1984
18 3 13 Loving Case Amicus Brief (interracial marriage), 1966-1967
18 4 1 Meredith Freedom March, Mississippi, 1966
18 4 2 Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 1964-1965

Series 18

Series Box Folder Folder Title
18 4 3 National Association of Laymen, 1967-1971
18 4 4 National Catholic Welfare Conference, 1959- 1964
18 4 5 National Committee on Catholic Concerns, 1968
18 4 6 National Farm Workers Association, 1965-1969
18 4 7 National Interreligious Consultation on Soviet Jewry, 1972
18 4 8 National Office for Black Catholics, 1970-1971
18 4 9 Native Americans, 1975-1978
18 4 10 Nuns, 1963, 1965-1968
18 4 11 Operation Connection, 1967-1969
18 5 1 Poor People's Campaign, 1968
18 5 2 Prayer Decision and Catholic-Jewish Relations, 1962
18 5 3 Reparations, 1969
18 5 4 Rodriguez Case Amicus Brief (public school financing), 1972

Series 18

Series Box Folder Folder Title
18 5 - Selma, Alabama,
18 5 5 Catholic Interracial Council  Action, 1965
18 5 6 Catholic Participants, 1965
18 5 7 Communications, 1965
18 5 8 General Correspondence, 1965
18 5 9 Nuns, 1965
18 5 10 Ouellet, Rev. Maurice F., 1965, 1968
18 5 11 Press Clippings #1, 1965
18 5 12 Press Clippings #2, 1965
18 6 1 Statements of Support, 1965
18 6 - Selma Inter-Religious Project,
18 6 2 Correspondence, 1965-1968
18 6 3 Newsletters and press clippings, 1965-1969

Series 18

Series Box Folder Folder Title
18 6 4 Soviet Jews, 1972-1973
18 6 5 Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, 1963-1966
18 6 6 Sugar Bowl Basketball Tournament (segregated seating), 1962
18 6 7 United Farm Workers, 1969-1972
18 6 8 United States Catholic Conference Task Force on Urban Problems, 1968-1970
18 6 - United States Government,
18 6 9 Department of Commerce, Community Relations Service, 1964-1965
18 10 Department of Justice, 1962-1966, 1977-1978
18 6 11 Federal Communications Commission, 1963-1964,
18 6 12 Federal Communications Commission, 1967-1969
18 7 1 House Committee on Un-American Activities, 1965-1967
18 7 2 Urban League, 1962-1967
18 7 3 White House Conference, "To Fulfill These Rights," 1965-1966
18 7 4 Wounded Knee, 1973