Academic Misconduct Overview — Undergraduate

  1. Upon receipt of an academic misconduct report, the Office of Academic Integrity will send a letter of acknowledgement to the reporting party and assign an investigative officer who is a faculty member of the Academic Integrity Council.
  2. The investigative officer will contact the student, the reporting party, and the faculty member involved if he/she is not the reporting party to set up interviews.
  3. Once all interviews are complete, the investigating officer will write up a report with their recommendations and submit it to the Academic Integrity Director within six business days of being assigned to the case.
  4. If it is a first offense for the student and the offense is not egregious, the Academic Integrity Director will discuss sanctions with the faculty member in order to offer an expedited review and sanction to the student.
  5. If an expedited review and sanction is warranted, it will be sent to the student and the student is asked to return it with his/her signature either accepting or rejecting the sanction within two business days.
  6. If the offense is a second offense or more egregious, or at the student’s request by rejecting the expedited review offer, a hearing board will be convened to review the case.  An initial email is sent to the student to obtain scheduling conflicts.
  7. Once a specific hearing board date and membership is established, the student will be contacted with detailed information regarding the hearing.  Note that hearings can take up to 30 business days to schedule.
Provost Myers and President Lovell

Academic Integrity


Academic Integrity Office
707 Building, Room 332

1102 W. Wisconsin Avenue
(414) 288-0262

Academic Integrity Director
Jacob Riyeff, Ph.D.
Teaching Associate Professor, Dept. of English
Klingler College of Arts and Sciences

Academic Integrity Coordinator
Maria Cooper
Administrative Assistant, Honors Program

More information

For Faculty and Instructors

For Students