Embedding a Qualtrics Survey in a Webpage

To begin the process of embedding Qualtrics surveys in OU Campus you will need to log in to OU Campus and navigate to the webpage you plan to embed the survey in. Be sure to “Check Out” the page by clicking the light bulb at the top of the screen.


Follow these instructions  to embed a Qualtrics survey in OU Campus

  • Click the "Main Content" button on the webpage.
  • Navigate to the access bar at the top of the screen and click the source code symbol <> located to the left of the puzzle piece. 
  • You will see the following screen:

Source Code <p>Add content here...</p>

  • Copy and paste the following block text into the "Add content here..." section of the source code:

<iframe src="your-survey-URL-here" height="800px" width="600px"></iframe>

  • If you need to alter the size of your survey, you can adjust the width and the height within the block text listed above.