Milwaukee Bucks president among keynotes for 10th annual Real Estate Strategies Conference, April 22
April 19, 2021
MILWAUKEE — Peter Feigin, president of the Milwaukee Bucks, and Steve Rushin, former columnist and National Sportswriter of the Year, will each deliver keynotes at Marquette University’s 10th annual Real Estate Strategies Conference, which will be presented in a virtual format on Thursday, April 22, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The Center for Real Estate in the College of Business Administration hosts the annual event and has partnered with Marquette Law School’s National Sports Law Institute for this year’s topic, “Sports, Entertainment and Real Estate Development.”
Registration is free and open to the public.
rofessional sports stadiums are becoming lynchpins of real estate development in cities across the U.S. No longer just large bowls of seats surrounded by parking lots, these "third spaces" driven by sporting events and concerts are now including more integrated real estate development strategies, transforming these areas into destinations for office, hotel, retail and other year-round uses.
Driven by ownership groups with long-term investment time horizons, these developments are redefining economic development and becoming more and more central parts of our lives. Learn more from panels and speakers, made up of executives from the major sports leagues, about their visions for real estate development and plans for the future.
Panels include:
- An opening keynote by Feigin, “The Fiserv Forum and the Deer District — a national model for redefining development around sports venues”
- An MLB and NBA panel featuring executives from the Bucks, Orlando Magic, Chicago Cubs and Atlanta Braves discussing how both new-school (Braves, Bucks) and old-school (Cubs, Magic) arenas continue to reinvent ideas around sports-centered real estate development
- Executives from the Green Bay Packers, Dallas Cowboys, and New Orleans Saints and Pelicans form an NFL panel and will discuss the creation of 24/7/365 real estate developments by their respective organizations
- The closing keynote from Rushin, a Marquette alumnus, “Oh the Places He's Been — Stories from sports venues all over the world”
For a complete list of guests, visit the event registration page.
Through innovative teaching, research and outreach, the Center for Real Estate aims to deepen commercial real estate knowledge at Marquette, in Milwaukee, across the Midwest and throughout the nation. Ranked among the top undergraduate commercial real estate programs in the country by U.S. News & World Report, Marquette’s is the only commercial real estate program offered at a Catholic and Jesuit university, uniquely grounding everything the center does in a solid foundation of business principles, ethics, and an environment that engages students, professionals and academics alike.
The NSLI also provides a national forum for discussion and thoughtful consideration of American and international sports issues and encourages input by persons and organizations with a wide range of viewpoints. The NSLI seeks to promote a legal environment in which sports at all levels of competition will flourish. In an effort to achieve these goals, the NSLI sponsors high-quality national conferences and symposia and promotes knowledge through publication of thoughtful scholarship in the Marquette Sports Law Review. It also serves as a resource for the media and public.
About Kevin Conway
Kevin is the associate director for university communication in the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact Kevin at (414) 288-4745 or