Experts in Social Issues — Crime and Justice
Mark Berlin, Associate professor
Political Science
Expertise: international criminal justice, accountability for human rights violations, laws of war, genocide and crimes against humanity, torture
Media Type: Print, TV, Radio
Contact: (414) 288-6841
Heather Hlavka, Professor
Social and Cultural Sciences
Expertise: Sexual Victimization and Offending, Partner Violence
Office Phone: (414) 288-6846
Richard Jones, Professor Emeritus
Social and Cultural Sciences
Expertise: Prisons, Parole and Re-entry, Comparative Crime and Justice
Office Phone: (414) 288-3436
Aleksandra Snowden, Associate Professor
Social and Cultural Sciences
Expertise: Crime mapping, crime analysis, GIS, criminology neighborhoods and crime, alcohol availability, crimes, violence, and injury, spatial analytical methods, spatial regression
(414) 288-6845
Meghan Stroshine, Associate Professor and Chair
Social and Cultural Sciences
Expertise: Policing, Victimology, Domestic Violence
Office Phone: (414) 288-3437
Darren Wheelock, Associate Professor
Social and Cultural Sciences
Expertise: Criminal Punishment and Social Control, Prisoner Reentry and Collateral Consequences, Racial and Ethnic Inequality, Punitive Attitudes, Racial Attitudes, Survey Research Methods
Office Phone: (414) 288-7915