Experts in Social Sciences — Communication

Kati Tusinski Berg, Associate Professor and Chair

Kati Tusinski BergStrategic Communication

Expertise: Public Relations, Corporate Social Responsibility

Office Phone: (414) 288-1401


Nathan Gilkerson, Assistant Professor

Nathan GilkersonStrategic Communication

Expertise: Crisis Communication, Political Communication, Political Humor/Satire, Social Media

Office Phone: (414) 288-4152


Patrick Johnson, Assistant Professor

Dr. Patrick JohnsonDepartment of Journalism and Media Studies

Expertise: news literacy: civic engagement, learning, purpose and practice; media literacy, equity, and justice; journalism: practice, education, ethics; education: curriculum and instruction, pedagogy, equity and justice; political communication: campaigns, coverage, analysis; children, adolescents, and media: cognitive science, representation, learning; sexuality and media: LGBTQ+ issues, knowledge production, sex media; horror studies: film, cognitive response

Media type: Print, T.V. and radio
Office phone: 414-288-5068

Gary Meyer, Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

Gary MeyerOffice of the Provost

Expertise: Diffusion of Innovations, Theories of Behavioral Change

Office Phone: (414) 288-6350