Thanksgiving-themed Experts

This directory will be updated with experts as they become available

Holiday branding and Black Friday retail


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Navigate political conversations at the holidays

Political Science

Philip Rocco, Associate Professor

Dr. Philip RoccoPolitical Science

Expertise: American politics, public policy

Office Phone: (414) 288-3296

Holiday nutrition

Nursing/Exercise Science

Marilyn Frenn, Professor

Marilyn FrennCollege of Nursing

Expertise: Obesity, Exercise, Nutrition, Health Care Costs, Nursing Faculty Shortage, Health Care Reform, Nursing Education, Teaching Excellence

Office Phone: (414) 288-3845
Home Phone: (414) 257-0075


Don't put a frozen turkey in hot oil



Joseph Clark, Associate professor in Chemistry

Abdur ChowdhuryExpertise: Organic chemistry and new drug design

Media Type: Print, TV, Radio

Contact: (414) 288-7859