Alumni National Awards

Law School Award Recipients


WhiteAlumna of the Year Award
The Honorable Maxine A. White, Law ’85


Even as a grade-school student, Maxine Aldridge White dreamed of working her way into a position of great responsibility and influence. That, she figured, was how she could do the most good. Read more.

OlenjczakLifetime Achievement Award
Thomas M. Olejniczak, Law ’74

De Pere, Wis.

Some lawyers might struggle to find new challenges while staying at the same firm through four decades. But for Thomas Olejniczak, the work never became stale. Read more.


McChrystalHoward B. Eisenberg Service Award
Katherine McChrystal, Law ’10


Serving at Marquette’s Volunteer Legal Clinics taught Kate McChrystal how to handle the emotional responsibilities that come with being a lawyer. She now uses those skills to help clients navigate the difficulties of family law. Read more.

AllenCharles W. Mentkowski Sports Law Alumna of the Year Award
Susan K. Allen, Arts '02, Law '06

Waukesha, Wis.

Susan (Menge) Allen fondly remembers her sports law experience at Marquette, but it was a first-year torts class that may have inspired her to the area of law in which she practices today. Read more.