A prayer for racial justice
By Sister Anne Arabome, SSS, associate director of Faber Center for Ignatian Spirituality
Compassionate and Gracious Creator Spirit,
you breathe life into all of creation.
In you,
we live and have our breath.
Breathe into us,
as we breathe together in the stillness of our hearts.
Breathe with us,
as members of Marquette family and community,
created in your loving image.
By your breath,
re-create us as one family and community,
rich in diversity,
rooted in love,
filled with respect for one another.
By your breath,
fill our conversations with thoughts of peace
and inspire our actions with deeds of justice.
Breath of life,
hold us in your heart,
where we can all breathe together as one.
Breath of love,
heal us all – black, white, brown; women and men; young and old,
whom you have quickened into life by your loving breath.
Breath of hope,
empower us to re-create our world with your light, love, and life.
Compassionate and Gracious Creator Spirit,
breathe in us, now and for life.