Praying during the Lenten Season

Lent is a time of retreat for the Church. The Church invites each of us to listen to the Gospel of Ash Wednesday and consider what we will do about prayer, fasting and almsgiving. What additional prayer will mark our lives during Lent? What do we need to do to curb our hungers for what is not satisfying? How can we be more generous with our time, gifts and what we treasure? These are good question with which to begin Lent. I would like to suggest one way to be more prayerful during is to let the Sunday Gospel readings become the focus of our prayer and reflection during each of the weeks of Lent. So on Monday following each of the Sunday's of Lent this site will post an introduction to the Gospel heard the day before, the text of the Gospel, and some reflection questions to help shape prayer and reflection during the week.