MUSG Mission

Marquette University Student Government (MUSG) serves to actively identify, understand, and represent students' needs, concerns, and interests through acts of leadership and service that reflect Catholic, and Jesuit ideals and contribute to the betterment of the Marquette University community. Learn more about MUSG.

Our governing documents.

MUSG needs you!

There are a number of ways to get involved!

Be a part of the Senior Speaker Selection Committee

MUSG is looking for seniors to serve a college reps on the selection committee and for one student to serve as coordinator. Learn more about the process.

Apply to be on the committee

Calendar of MUSG Events

Saturday, 12/07/24

Late Night Breakfast sponsored by CAB (supported by MUSG student activity fee)

9 p.m. | AMU Marquette Place

Campus Activities Board Calendar (internal restricted to campus)