Welcome to Tutoring!

    • Small group sign-up is available now:  click HERE to sign-up.
    • Large group tutoring information is listed below.
    • Tutoring begins the week of September 9th.

WE HAVE MOVED!  Tutoring and Academic Coaching are now part of the Academic Resource Center (ARC), located in the new Lemonis Center for Student Success.

Tutoring is a free service available to all Marquette University students. We hire a staff of approximately 80 tutors each semester who have succeeded in the course they tutor for and are eager to help others learn. Our programs offers support for select freshman and sophomore courses (1000 and 2000 levels) that have historically been challenging subjects for students. Tutoring is provided in both small and large group formats depending on the subject. Click HERE to learn more about each format and which courses are supported. 

econ tutor

  • You do not need to sign up.  You can just come as you wish.  Please arrive on time so you do not disrupt the session. 
  • Large group tutoring will begin the week of September 9th and schedule is below: 
  • Course Time Location
    BISC 2015 MON and WED 6:00-7:30pm CN 143 (Straz)
    BISC 3135 MON 6:45-8:15pm, WED 5:00-6:30pm Raynor First Floor

    CHEM 2111

    TU and TH 6:45-8:15pm

    *Review Thurs Sept 5 6:45-8:15pm

    Lemonis 242B

    EXPH 2045 MON 5:00-6:30pm, WED 6:30-8pm Raynor First Floor 
    EXPH 2110 TU and TH 5:00-6:30pm Lemonis 242B
    HEAL 1060 TBD  
    NURS 2100 TU and TH 5:00-6:30pm CN 143 (Straz)
    PSYC 1001 THURS 4:45-6:15pm Lemonis 242D
  • It is important that we provide a safe learning environment for tutors and students utilizing our services.  Any student participating in our services is expected to abide by thDe student code of conduct.  We reserve the right to refuse services to students who do not comply with this code.  