Health & Safety Resources

Warning sign Coronavirus Education Abroad Information

Warning sign Worldwide Caution Alert

Safety Resources and Procedures

Safety abroad is of primary importance to the Office of International Education. While we cannot guarantee the safety of those traveling abroad, we will do our best to provide the tools for prevention and resources to use in the case of an incident abroad. Therefore, we have instituted the following policies and procedures:

Students are:

Faculty and staff are:

Office of International Education staff are regularly monitoring multiple sources of world information, including that from the U.S. Department of State, Centers for Disease Control, Overseas Security Advisory Council, and International SOS. A safety and health review of any program is ongoing to the date of departure and continues in country. Marquette University reserves the right to cancel a program at any time due to safety and health issues or concerns.

  • Office of International Education maintains a 24/7 emergency line, which can be contacted via
    (414) 288-1911

In the event of a major incident abroad where we currently or routinely have students, faculty or staff, we will:

  • Promptly reach out to any students, faculty or staff near the affected area using multiple methods of communication (email, phone, social media, etc.)
  • Notify emergency contacts via email that we are aware of the situation and have reached out to the students
  • Inform campus emergency contacts of those in the affected location

In the event of a real emergency involving a Marquette student, faculty or staff member, we have established specific policies and procedures, depending upon the type of event. In an emergency, we will:

  • reach out directly to the affected student, faculty or staff member;
  • work with our partners abroad and international insurance company to provide services and resources as necessary;
  • notify the Stakeholder Emergency Response Team (SERT) and the Marquette University Police Department, where appropriate;
  • notify the participant's emergency contacts only in the case of severe injury, major mental health concern, incapacitation, or overnight hospitalization;
  • work with on-campus and community resources to provide services and support upon return to campus.

Health Resources

You will be encountering many physical and environmental changes while abroad. If you plan ahead and take preventative measures and precautions, you can reduce the risks of unfavorable health consequences. If you will have specific health care needs while abroad, you should share this information with your Education Abroad Coordinator and your study abroad program. They can help you access care and services while you are abroad and alert you to differences in care and services in your host country.

  • Insurance
  • Emergencies abroad
  • Disabilities and chronic health issues
  • MU Travel Clinic. This site includes additional information about:
  • Students should consider establishing a medical or legal Power of Attorney prior to participating in an education abroad program. The State of Wisconsin has basic power of attorney forms available online at The Office of International Education and Marquette University cannot provide students or parents with legal advice as to the appropriate Power of Attorney form. If students or parents have questions about the form appropriate for their needs, they should consult an attorney for guidance. 
    • Medical Power of Attorney 
      A medical power of attorney allows a student to assign an individual to speak on their behalf in the event the student is not able to make decisions for themselves. 
    • Legal Power of Attorney 
      A legal power of attorney allows a student to assign an individual to make decisions on their behalf while they are abroad, specifically with regards to their finances.