Supplier Conduct on Campus

To assist with the efficient operation of the university and to insure the safety and wellbeing of those at the university, the following rules of conduct are in force. Violations include, but are not limited to:

  • Unauthorized use and /or possession of intoxicating beverages, narcotics or drugs on university premises.
  • Threatening, intimidating or harassing others on university property.
  • Carrying weapons on university premises, unless specifically preauthorized to do so, i.e., employees of Marquette University Police Department.
  • Behaving in an overtly discourteous, abusive or disrespectful manner towards employees or students of the university.
  • Stealing, unauthorized removal, use, loss, damage or destruction of property belonging to the university, its visitors, students and employees.
  • Demonstrating any conduct or behavior, which constitutes sexual harassment, racial abuse or discrimination.