Recruitment process:

  • Letters are sent to faculty teaching Biol 1001. 1002 and 2001 to identify top students who they recommend as Teaching Assistants. Letters of recruitment are also sent to top students in the above courses inviting them to apply.
  • Any student interested in becoming a TA, whether recruited or not, should fill out an application.

Selection process:

  • Teaching assistants are selected based on grades in the courses for which they would teach, their availability, and their interest in teaching.
  • Approximately 6-8 TAs are hired per semester, based on total enrollment in the courses. TAs are hired on a semester-by-semester basis.
  • Applications are accepted at any time throughout the school year.
  • Fall semester hires are considered in late spring (April).
  • Spring semester hires are considered in late Fall (November-December).
  • The lab coordinator, Stacia Peiffer will notify accepted students via email.