Am I a non-degree applicant? A non-degree student seeks courses for personal or professional development and/or completion of prerequisites for graduate or professional school. Non-degree students are limited to seven credits per term. Financial assistance is not available.
If you're looking to take a specific course, feel free to give us a call and we'll let you know if that course will be held during the term for which you would apply. You can find us at 414.288.7302.
Note: If you have previously attended Marquette University as an undergraduate, regardless of the term you were enrolled or your student status, and are seeking readmission to take a course as a non-degree student, you must complete a Readmission Application (RTS form). The non-degree application below will not be valid because you are required to complete the RTS form. If you have questions about the readmission process, please contact Marquette Central at (414) 288-4000.
What’s next?
Once the application is received, non-degree admission notification follows within two weeks. Course registration information will be provided at that time.
Complete the free Marquette non-degree application (link below). Non-degree applicants only need to submit an application to begin admission review, however Marquette may request academic transcripts of non-degree applicants if we find it is warranted to finalize our review.
International students who are not currently residing in the United States are not eligible for non-degree admission in summer terms.
Ready? Begin your application.
Marquette non-degree application
What you'll need
Adobe Acrobat Reader (Download in new window)
Instructions for admitted non-degree students
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