History and accomplishments of the Participating Faculty Task Force

To better understand the experience of Marquette’s full- and part-time participating (non-tenure track) faculty, in June 2019, then Acting Provost Kimo Ah Yun convened a Task Force to study the participating faculty experience and make recommendations to improve that experience based on their findings. The Task Force was comprised of more than 20 individuals and included both tenured and participating faculty members, leaders from each of Marquette’s colleges and schools (as well as the Raynor Libraries), and members from various university offices including the Office of Institutional Research and Analysis, Office of Marketing and Communication (now Office of University Relations), Office of the General Counsel and Human Resources. 

Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through a variety of methods, including: listening lunches with participating faculty; an anonymous online questionnaire; analysis of policies and procedures associated with the participating faculty experience across all of Marquette’s colleges and schools (everything from hiring, onboarding and supervision to compensation, benefits and professional development to recognition, reappointment and promotions); data from 18 peer universities; and the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources’ Faculty Salary Survey.

Based on the information they were able to collect and review, the Task Force made recommendations for improving the participating faculty experience at Marquette, which were categorized into the following five themes: (1) Contract Terms, (2) Compensation and Total Rewards, (3) Performance Evaluation and Promotion, (4) Professional Development, and (5) Recognition and Inclusion.

Following the completion of the Task Force’s initial 22 recommendations, Provost Ah Yun has transitioned the Task Force to a standing committee. The Participating Faculty Committee addresses issues of importance to members of the Marquette faculty, full and part-time, hired on a participating or non-tenure track line. The committee will focus on how to improve the lived experience of participating faculty and address issues that include, but are not limited to, total rewards (including compensation and benefits), professional development, recognition, inclusion, and performance review and promotion. 

The Participating Faculty Committee consists of five participating faculty members as well as an appointee from the Office of University Relations (to assist with communication). The Committee will be led by a senior leader in the Office of the Provost (ex officio) and report to the Provost.  


Summary of Participating Faculty Task Force work:
June 2019 – April 2023 

Provost Ah Yun created the Participating Faculty Task Force in fall 2019 and in doing so charged that group with addressing 22 issues raised by participating faculty in the preceding months. The Participating Faculty Task Force methodically worked to address approximately six issues each year, and in 2023 completed its review of all 22 issues. Below is a summary of the 22 recommendations and how they were implemented.  

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Contract Terms

  • Standardized a policy for multi-year contracts for full-time participating faculty and worked with the Office of the Provost to issue additional multi-year contracts to full-time participating faculty. Over the last three years, 98 eligible participating faculty have been moved to three-year contracts. At this time, all full-time participating faculty who have been at the university for five years have been moved to permanently funded lines, which is one of the criteria for a multi-year contract. 
  • Implemented a $400 course cancellation compensation policy for participating faculty, which will be issued in cases when a course gets canceled prior to the start of the semester (excluding summer), after a contract has already been signed.   
  • Established a two-month notification process for participating faculty prior to the start of term if there is a change to a scheduled course.  

Compensation and Total Rewards

  • Conducted participating faculty salary study that benchmarks against peer institutions and shared recommendations with the provost. Last year the provost provided for merit increases for all full-time participating faculty.
  • The Task Force recommended academic units review performance of part-time faculty on a regular basis and the Office of the Provost review part-time faculty pay at least every three years. Teaching performance should ideally be assessed during the instructor’s first year through both classroom observation and student course evaluations.
  • Provided recommendations for expanding online teaching opportunities for participating faculty to all department chairs and academic administrators in early March 2022. 
  • Studied parking rates and options for part-time participating faculty; the committee did not recommend any changes because there is already a discounted part-time employee parking rate.  

Performance Evaluation and Promotion 

  • Worked with colleges and schools to develop promotion criteria for participating faculty where none existed. Both the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences and the Diederich College of Communication have developed promotion criteria for participating faculty this past year.
  • Created a process to evaluate full-time participating faculty after their first year and regularly thereafter. This process has been implemented and any full-time participating faculty who are not receiving regular evaluations should follow up with their department chair and dean. 
  • The task force’s recommended changes to revise participating faculty titles to better reflect roles and impact were approved by University Academic Senate at the March 2022 meeting and have been incorporated into the Faculty Handbook. 

Professional Development 

  • Established a $10,000 annual fund for participating faculty professional development awards. These funds have been distributed annually since 2019. Twenty-one participating faculty received professional development funding from the Office of the Provost in 2022. View application guidelines
  • Established a $10,000 annual fund for participating faculty scholarly works, with the first research funds given out to four participating faculty in 2021 and six participating faculty receiving funding in 2022. View application guidelines.
  • Developed recommendations for each college and school to adopt to enhance and standardize the participating faculty onboarding experience.
  • Two participating faculty created a participating faculty resource database that is available to all participating faculty via the Participating Faculty Resources and Opportunities Teams site.
  • Recommendations to increase mentoring opportunities for participating faculty were developed and shared with each college and school.   
  • Recommended that interested full-time participating faculty be given the opportunity to take on responsibilities such as directing independent studies, serving as co-PIs on grants, and seeking funding to support new research areas, however, academic units should work with faculty when these opportunities arise to manage workload. 

Recognition and Inclusion

  • Created recognition awards for participating faculty research excellence as well as excellence in Marquette Core Curriculum instruction.
  • Recommended to colleges and schools that participating faculty be listed on their websites along with tenured/tenure-track faculty.
  • Recommended faculty, regular and participating, be given the opportunity to fully engage and actively participate in departmental functions, including that all participating faculty be invited to departmental meetings. 
  • Recommended that each college and school develop ways to increase engagement of participating faculty in department meetings, events and decision-making.   
  • Established regular opportunities for interaction with university leaders, including: 
    • One Participating Faculty Social Hour with the president and provost each semester, which have been held since 2019. 
    • An annual Participating Faculty Forum hosted by the provost, which takes place annually during the fall semester.  


Progress reports