Fall 2023 Inaugural Marquette Participating Faculty Symposium


Monday, November 20, 12-4:30 pm: How Do You Do That? Participating Faculty as Researchers and Scholars at Marquette |

Tuesday, November 21, 8:30-1:15 pm: Excellent Educators Everywhere: Participating Faculty as Expert Educators on Campus |


All sessions are held in the Beaumier suites on the lower level of the library. Concluding reception in the CTL (3rd floor of Raynor). 


The first of its kind, this symposium shines a light on participating (adjunct and full-time nontenure-stream) faculty as educators, researchers, and scholars at Marquette. Stemming from a deep desire of participating faculty in two Communities of Practice hosted since Spring 2023, this event honors great work being done by these faculty who teach Marquette’s students, produce valuable scholarship, and who are willing to share their expertise with the wider campus community through this symposium. All sessions are organized, hosted, and facilitated by participating faculty across campus.  


By the end of the symposium, conference attendees and participants should: 

  1. Learn and discuss what participating faculty members’ research, teaching, and scholarship looks like across campus; 
  2. Connect with each other to cultivate community and learn networking strategies; 
  3. Celebrate successes in research and teaching excellence; 
  4. Elevate awareness about resources available to participating faculty to support them in their teaching, research, and scholarship.


All faculty, staff, and graduate students should come! Participating (adjunct and full-time) tenured, and tenure track faculty and staff in all units on campus are welcome to attend. 
To see the schedule of events and to register, click here. Note that symposium organizers understand that people have competing priorities, so please attend what you can and leave when you need to on both days. Snacks and beverages will be provided throughout. 

PSSST! Participating Faculty Members: We want YOU! 

If you would like to participate by sharing your research and scholarship in one of the sessions or have your work displayed throughout the conference, click here. Please respond by Nov. 6. 


This symposium is organized by the Center for Teaching and Learning and receives support from a variety of units on campus, including the Student Success Initiative. Register by Nov. 6 to have your name entered into a raffle to win a variety of prizes. 


Schedule for Day 1: How Do You Do That? Participating Faculty as Researchers & Scholars at Marquette | Monday, November 20, 12-4:30 pm |

Schedule for Day 2: Excellent Educators Everywhere: Particapting Faculty as Expert Edicators on Campus |  Tuesday, November 21, 8:30 - 1:15 pm

12:00-12:15: Registration, beverages and snacks, etc.  


12:15-12:55: Welcome & Intentional Networking at Marquette 

During this opening session, we will discuss the impetus and hopes for our inaugural participating faculty symposium. A marketing expert will lead us through the ways we can use our time together to cultivate connections across campus and proactively network within our community after the symposium ends. 


1:00-1:50 Participating Faculty Who Publish: A Panel Discussion  

This session will highlight participating faculty members’ experiences publishing scholarly work. Ranging from books to journal articles, panelists will be interviewed about a range of issues—their processes for exploring publication opportunities, how they navigated the logistics of writing, the challenges research-oriented participating faculty face, and the resources/strategies that serve them well in their publishing. Attendees will also be invited to ask questions of the panelists. 


2:00-2:50: Research & Scholarship Roundtables 

During this session, attendees will join peers to discuss important issues related to producing scholarship as participating faculty. Examples of possible topics for roundtables: 

  • Advocating for resources (e.g., money, time, staffing) to support scholarship efforts 
  • Engaging students (undergraduate and graduate) in research 
  • Navigating the publishing process 
  • Exploring ways to maximize reach and impact of your scholarship  

3:00-3:50: Showcasing Participating Faculty Research: Resources & Award Recipients 

This session will provide an overview of current resources available to participating faculty to support their research. Past award recipients will help attendees understand the range of projects and scholarship our participating faculty conduct. Come learn about research and scholarship happening across campus! 


4:00-4:30: Sips and Snacks: Scholarship & Social Networking 

Our day will conclude with an opportunity to enjoy some refreshments while perusing posters and publications produced by Marquette participating faculty. Participants will also be able to mingle and share insights with each other about research and scholarship. 

8:30-8:45: Registration, coffee, snacks 


8:45-9:00: Welcome & Introduction 

This interactive welcome session will generate conversation and illuminate how participating faculty serve as essential educators at all levels and in all departments at Marquette. 


9:00-9:50: Emerging Technologies & the Classroom 

This interactive session will provide an understanding of the current landscape and trends of emerging technologies along with practical applications of these technologies to consider. Panelists will discuss what these technologies are, how they can be used to support student learning, and what challenges they provide on campus. Symposium attendees will also be encouraged to share their own questions, expertise, and desires regarding new technologies.  


10:00-10:50: Supporting Student Success for First-Year Students   

Featuring faculty teaching first-year students and an expert in student success, this panel sheds light on the ways that students face barriers to their success on campus—and what we can do about that. 


11:00 11:50 Students since COVID: What’s Changed?  

This cross-disciplinary session brings insights from data across the country and at Marquette to trace the shifting landscape of student well-being. Panelists will address changes they are seeing in their classrooms in this engaging session that invites insights from everyone present. 


12:00-12:30: Spotlight On: Participating Faculty Teaching Award Recipients  

Marquette provides many avenues to recognize the teaching excellence of participating faculty as members of the campus community. This session provides attendees ways to talk with recent award recipients, consider their own strengths in teaching, and learn ways to shine a light on teaching excellence across campus. 


12:35-1:15: Concluding Reflection & Celebration of Teaching in the Center for Teaching and Learning 

Teaching is hard! Thus, our day will conclude with a short reflection, sharing out teaching tips among attendees, and celebrating teaching successes across campus. Come to the CTL for refreshments and food before the holiday break.