March 31, 2020
Dear College of Education Friends—
My heartfelt hope is that you and your families are healthy and taking every precaution to remain so. Regrettably, on the advent of April 1st, the COVID-19 virus is all too real, all too pervasive and insidious, and all too potentially deadly.
Surely, you’ve followed the emerging situation with great interest and trepidation, particularly as it impacts your own lives. Along the way, you’ve likely noted that colleges and universities across America have been adversely affected by the pandemic, and in deeply significant ways. Marquette University and the College of Education are no exceptions.
The upshot of the situation has been an enormous number of logistical challenges, the most dramatic of which has been the suspension of all face-to-face classes. In our case, that meant faculty had to move more than 70 courses online in less than 10 days, and that our students had to prepare themselves for a very different type of educational experience. Moreover, there were high stakes hurdles to clear with practica, internships, and student teaching, all of which carry major implications for licensure and accreditation.
In addition, the University and College commencements, along with Alumni awards, and our own Mission Recognition event, have all been postponed, and many questions remain about summer school and fall enrollment. To be honest, it’s not clear when genuine normalcy might return.
Despite this monumental disruption, both Marquette and our College of Education have risen to confront this unparalleled circumstance in compelling fashion. Our students, faculty, and staff have demonstrated incredible levels of sensitivity, adaptability, and determination. Their response has been truly inspiring.
As a result, we will be able to march into the future together, united as an academic community, to honor our instructional, scholarly, and service missions. And in the Jesuit spirit of magis, we are exploring what more we can do to be present to our families, alumni, friends, and community.
Make no mistake, though, the way forward will be demanding. There will be problems to solve that we never expected or faced before. And the economic toll will be significant. In response, the University and College will need to be inventive, opportunistic, strategic, and skillful, so as to maintain our intellectual, operational, and fiscal viability.
Through all of this, I have every confidence that we can work through this unprecedented situation with the support of friends like you. We ARE Marquette after all.
Lastly, please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or words of encouragement you might have. And please stay healthy and safe.

Dr. Bill Henk, Dean
College of Education