Campus buildings are cleaned on a routine basis. Any problems or questions involving cleaning should be communicated during normal business hours, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Custodians are not permitted to perform personal or unauthorized services. This includes unlocking doors for individuals. Marquette University Police Department (414) 288-6800 should be contacted for entry into locked areas.
Cleaning Program
Facilities Planning and Management utilizes an alternative cleaning program and wants to provide the most cost effective, efficient service as possible to the campus, while maintaining high standards of cleanliness and sanitation. The implementation of this program will help to achieve these goals.
The basic structure of the program is as follows:
- Classrooms and instructional areas: Mopping and vacuuming is typically provided on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, all other services will remain daily depending on the usage or as needed during inclement conditions.
- Private Offices: Individuals should empty their desk/office wastebaskets into common space receptacles as needed.
- Corridors and stairwells: Mopping and vacuuming is typically provided two or three times per week depending on usage or as needed during inclement conditions.
- High traffic public offices: These areas will have daily cleaning services to include mopping and vacuuming. Common space waste receptacles will be emptied daily.
- Restrooms: These areas receive daily cleaning service.
Should the need arise to "fill in" service on days not scheduled, staff will be available to cover "emergencies." As always, work requests should be directed to the work request line at (414) 288-7043. If you have any questions or concerns during the program, please contact Chris Bartolone at Facilities Planning and Management at (414) 288-6103 or