
I.M.A.P. Belize, 9/30

Register for the I.M.A.P. Belize trip before the deadline on 9/30. The trip is happening from January 2 - 11, 2025. Learn more here.

Milwalking Retreat, 10/5

For millennia, people have walked in search of community, answers, and meaning. Follow in their footsteps on the Milwalking retreat, a retreat on the go that explores Milwaukee streets and sites while meeting fellow walkers and reflecting on one’s own personal journey. Learn more and register here

Service Immersion

He (Ignatius) tells us that love is shown more in deeds than in words in the first point. Then in the second point he says that people in love share what each has with the other", David L. Fleming, S.J. Sign up for M.A.P. (Marquette Action Program) and I.M.A.P. Belize.  

Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration