Professor, Department Chair, & Student Affairs in Higher Education Program Coordinator
Educational Policy and Leadership
Jody Jessup-Anger (Ph.D. Michigan State University) is professor of higher education and program coordinator of the Student Affairs in Higher Education master’s program. Her research explores how the collegiate environment can facilitate or impede student learning and development. Dr. Jessup-Anger is co-author of Living-Learning Communities that Work: A Research-Based Model for Design, Delivery and Assessment, co-editor of the New Directions for Student Services volume: Addressing Sexual Violence in Student Affairs and Higher Education, and co-editor of the second edition of Maybe I Should . . . Case Studies in Ethics for Student Affairs Professionals. Dr. Jessup-Anger co-led the Elon University Center for Engaged Learning 2017-2019 Research Seminar on Residential Learning Communities, during which she provided guidance for four multi-institutional research teams exploring different dimensions of residential learning communities. She has also provided several keynote addresses and consultation to universities on developing and sustaining living-learning communities. In the Fall of 2017, she served as scholar-in-residence for Workshop Architects, a firm specializing in the design of campus spaces.
Degrees Held
- Doctor of Philosophy, Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education
Department of Educational Administration, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
- Graduate Certificate, Women’s Studies
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
- Master of Science, Student Affairs in Higher Education
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
- Bachelor of Arts, International Studies, Magna Cum Laude and University Honors, American University, Washington, DC
Courses Taught
- EDPL 6100: Introduction to Student Affairs
- EDPL 6140: Social Justice Advocacy in Student Affairs
- EDPL 6200: Student Development in Higher Education
- EDPL 6210: Environmental Theory and Assessment
- EDPL 6965: Practicum in Student Affairs Administration (in person and online)
- EDPL 6997: Capstone in Educational Policy and Leadership
- EDPL 8956: Seminar Social Contexts and Educational Policy 2
Research Interests
- Collegiate environments;
- High impact practices;
- Sexual violence response;
- Student affairs administration.