Library Use Policies

The library has developed the following policies and asks for your cooperation in adhering to them, as a courtesy to library patrons and employees.



Food & Beverage Policy

Beverages and food are allowed in the library. We ask that you be respectful of the space and others who are using the library. You may be asked to move to the bridge if your meal is disruptive is to others.  

Please dispose of your trash in the appropriate receptacles.  

If you spill a drink, please alert the library staff at the Library Services Desk so it can be cleaned up as quickly as possible. 

Cell Phones

Please turn phone ringers off or set to vibrate as you enter the library.

  • Please make cell phone calls only from the 2nd floor bridge or the outer lobby of Raynor.
  • When receiving an incoming call, please move to the 2nd floor bridge or the outer lobby of Raynor.
  • Please avoid using your cell phone in locations designated as Quiet Study.

Forgotten IDs

Marquette students without a valid Marquette ID will be allowed admittance into the Raynor Library for three days per semester. Students who reach their three day visit limit will not be allowed into the library without their Marquette ID.

Marquette students are required to carry their MUID with them to enter buildings (link to the policy). Raynor Library will allow students to enter the library 3 times per semester without their ID. After 3 days, students will be required to retrieve their ID or buy a new ID before being allowed access to the library.


Lockers are available for patron use for 25 cents. They are located on the first floor in recessed alcove on the south side of the wall behind the Library Services Desk. The locations are designated by the letter L on the floorplan.

To use the lockers: Place items inside locker, close door, insert 25-cent coin, and remove key. The coin is not returned when the door is re-opened; to continue use of a locker, another quarter must be inserted.

Locker users are advised that food and beverages may not be stored in the lockers and library materials should be checked out before storing. To ensure compliance, Raynor Circulation Staff may search through the lockers. For the security of future users, a lost key fee of $50 will be assessed to replace both key and lock mechanism. Lockers are maintained by the Raynor Access Services staff. Questions should be directed to that desk or by calling 288-7555.


The library includes spaces for both quiet and active study. In active spaces, voices should still be kept at a reasonable volume. If you are getting too loud, you may be asked to be quieter,

Quiet Study Areas

Patrons needing a quiet study environment may use designated quiet study areas in Raynor--Level 2 just east of the bridge--or look for quiet areas in Memorial Library. There are six floors in Memorial with tables and study carrels scattered throughout. While there are some areas designated for quiet study (Levels 1, 4, and 5), you'll find that a number of areas are well-suited for that purpose. For further information about finding your way around Memorial Library, please talk to a library staff member.

Technology Assistance

For issues with library computers/equipment, or the library's digital resources, please stop by the Library Services Desk (414-288-7555), located on the first floor of Raynor Library.

For other technology issues (the VPN, installing PrintWise, eMarq/Office login issues, or non-library devices), please see the TechSquad desk (, located on the first floor of Raynor Library.


Student Postings

Organizations wishing to publicize their activities may place flyers and announcements on the bulletin boards in the Raynor entrance to the Bridge (2nd level). The contents of these bulletin boards are cleared of past events weekly. In accordance with university posting policies, postings must be approved by Student Development, AMU Room 121. Student groups may also request permission to place a poster on easel (one week max.) in the Bridge through the associate dean of libraries, Jean Zanoni, in the dean's office (Raynor 3rd floor) or (414) 288-7214.

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