Faculty Research Carrel Policy

Raynor Library offers 37 9'x6' research carrels for use by faculty. The majority are reserved on an annual basis; a small number are set aside for short-term use.

Annual Carrels

Current faculty whose research requires intensive use of library resources may submit an application for an annual carrel. These carrels are assigned for the full academic year.

  • Applications: Applications for the coming academic year will be accepted May 1-June 1. To apply, fill out this online form.
    • When applications exceed the number of available carrels, priority will be given to:
      • Junior faculty
      • Faculty on sabbatical who are remaining at the University to pursue research
      • Applications that cannot be filled due to heavy demand will be placed on the waiting list (see below).
      • Faculty who submit applications outside the application window will be considered on a case-by-case basis, dependent on availability of carrels.
  • Notifications: Notifications will be sent to faculty by July 1.
  • Waiting List: A waiting list will go into effect when carrel demand exceeds supply, with names added in the order they are received.
    • Faculty will be notified as openings occur.
    • Anyone who remains on the waiting list as of the next application period will automatically be placed in the new applicant pool.
  • Renewals: Carrels can be renewed once.
    • To place a renewal request, faculty should contact Library Services by June 1, at memcirc@marquette.edu, (414) 288-7555, or in person at the Library Services Desk.
    • Faculty will receive notification by July 1.
  • Occupancy: Faculty will have occupancy from the start of the fall semester to the close of the summer session (except for faculty who have renewed [see above]).
  • Carrel Sharing: Carrel sharing is encouraged. Faculty willing to share their carrel should note this on their application.
  • Emeritus Faculty: Up to five carrels will be set aside for emeritus faculty who continue to be engaged in resource-intensive research. The application and renewal process noted above applies.

Occasional Use Carrels

Two carrels are available for occasional use by any regular faculty. One may be checked out for a week; the other may be checked out for a day. Contact Circulation for information, at memcirc@marquette.edu, (414) 288-7555, or in person at the Library Services Desk.

Library Materials

Library materials kept in carrels must be checked out. Library staff monitor carrels for unchecked-out materials twice a year. If unchecked-out library materials are found, faculty will be notified.

Furniture and Maintenance

Carrels are furnished with a chair, desk, shelves, and wastebasket. Library furniture from other areas of the building may not be moved into the carrels.

Heaters, heating elements, microwaves and other electrical appliances are strictly prohibited as they pose a fire hazard.

Carrels may not be used for purposes other than active research, such as storage of materials.


Carrels should be locked at all times when not in use. Marquette University Libraries assume no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, personal possessions kept in carrels.

For security reasons, occupants of carrels must not obscure the windows in their carrel with paper or other materials.

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