Digital Scholarship

The library’s digital scholarship team is an essential center of gravity for digital scholarship on campus. For students and faculty, the team provides fundamental infrastructure and expertise to support innovative scholarship that uses digital tools to create and share knowledge in ways that are self-sustainable, accessible, and socially responsible. 

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Featured project: Human Communication Collective (HCC) 

The Human Communication Collective (HCC) aims to foster a space where teachers and technologists can gather together to practice critiques of and pedagogical resistances and refusals toward the haphazard adoption of generative technologies for written and visual communication in teaching and learning contexts. 

We seek to imagine together and share back with our colleagues pedagogies that honor and actively cultivate the distinctive responsibility and personal integrity of human communication in a social context increasingly being reorganized around machine-generated communication by for-profit corporations and their representatives. 

Learn more about the HCC

Featured project: Ex Libris: Bookplates from the Raynor Library Collections 

Marquette University’s library has existed for more than a century. Through the years, many of the books that have come to rest on its shelves were already used—some with storied histories. Some of these secondhand books were donated by retiring Marquette faculty. Others came to the library during growth periods in the middle of the 20th century, when Marquette’s librarians bought whole collections from US and European booksellers. 

Many of the early 20th-century secondhand books in Raynor Library’s collection were personalized with a bookplate, also called an “ex libris.” Squares of paper glued inside the front cover, bookplates displayed the owner’s name and, often, decorative illustrations. Bookplates not only often display unique artistry but also offer up fascinating clues to the sometimes celebrated, sometimes unknown book owners. Several hundred bookplates have already been discovered in Raynor Library’s collections, and they continue to be found. This digital collection features images of a growing portion of these little pieces of art and book history. 

Visit the Ex Libris digital collection

Visit the sister project about Dr. Logan’s “liberal donation”

Consulting services 

We provide consulting services where we meet with patrons to consult on digital scholarship design and development, including data visualization, research data management, metadata, digital collections, copyright/licensing, open education resources, digital media, generative AI, digital storytelling, visual communication, open-source software, web design/development, and web archiving. 

Request consulting services

Teaching services 

We provide teaching services where we visit courses to introduce students to digital scholarship design and development. Learning objectives often include: identify your digital scholarship project format; identify appropriate tool/s to build your digital scholarship project; and, recognize and interpret visual design decisions. 

Email the team to request teaching services at 

Web publishing support services

We provide web publishing support services for patrons to develop digital projects, scholarship, and textbooks. Examples include public-facing course blogs and open-access digital collections. We can provide approximately 3GB of shared web hosting for 3 years. We can install and host web publishing applications that use a LAMP environment (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). Popular web publishing applications we can host include: WordPress, Pressbooks, Omeka, Mukurtu, and Scalar. We review and approve applications for web publishing support services on a semesterly basis. 

View showcase web publishing projects and applications →

Read the team’s framework for web publishing collaboration →

Apply for web publishing support services

Library Spaces

Patrons can reserve time to use the media editing room on the first floor of Raynor Library for audio recording and AV editing. The room includes a Mac Studio workstation, two boom arm mics, and Audacity, Final Cut Pro, and the Adobe Creative Cloud suite. A reservation is required to use the media editing room. 

Reserve the media editing room →

Library resources 

Patrons can find software to support digital scholarship on the desktop computers on the north side of the first floor of Raynor Library, among other desktop computers located across the library and the laptop computers available for check out in the middle of the first floor of Raynor Library. 

Library software can support digital scholarship including data analysis/visualization (i.e., Tableau Public, Power BI, SPSS, and ArcGIS), digital media content creation (i.e., Audacity, Final Cut Pro, and Adobe Creative Cloud), and programming/development (i.e., Python, Anaconda, and MATLAB). 

Learn more about library software →

Patrons can access hardware for digital media AV recording (i.e., microphones and photography and video cameras) available for check out at the library services desk in the middle of the first floor of Raynor Library. 

View library hardware available for check out →