Collections in Raynor Library

General Research Collections

Raynor Library offers an ever-growing suite of digital and print collections to support Marquette research. A print collection of more than 1,535,000 volumes is augmented by online collections of more than 430 research databases, 2.5 million e-books, and 55,300 serials. In addition, the library offers a number of unique, specialized collections:

Archival Collections and Institutional Repository

The Department of Archival Collections and Institutional Repository houses manuscripts, rare books, and Marquette University records, as well as extensive digital collections and Marquette's institutional repository.

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Browsing Books

This collection offers a wide range of books for leisure reading, including current fiction, biography, poetry, and popular books on contemporary social issues.

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Children's Book Collection

The Children's Book Collection offers books for early readers to young adults in a range of subjects areas and supports the curricular and research needs of the College of Education.

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Ciszek Catholic Spirituality

The Ciszek Catholic Spirituality book and video collection includes Catholic devotional literature, meditations, prayer books, catechisms, and works on the lives of the saints, apologetics, conversion stories, and vocation.

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Cujé Milwaukee Music

The Jean Cujé Milwaukee Music Collection offers access to recordings by artists in the Milwaukee area from the mid-20th century to the present day.

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Funding Information Center

The Funding Information Center provides current information to nonprofit organizations and others who seek philanthropic funding, as well as to individuals doing research on private foundations, philanthropy, and more. The center is part of the cooperating collections program of the Foundation Center in New York City.

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Manresa Collection

Located on the second level of Raynor, the Manresa Collection is devoted to Christian diversity for exploring Christian spiritual life, including vocation, Christian discipleship, and leadership.

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Recorded Literature

A collection of spoken-word, long-playing phonograph records containing poetry, drama, and other literary works.

Video Collections

The library offers extensive offerings of videos in DVD and streaming formats, from documentaries to popular movies.

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