Computer Usage Agreement

The computing facilities of the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences are made available at no charge to students and faculty in support of the educational and research mission of the department. All computer use must be consistent with university policies and codes of conduct, and must not violate international, federal, state, or local laws.

The privilege of computer access is given only to persons whom the department knows to be entitled to such access, and is not transferable. Users must not give access to their accounts to any other users, by divulging user names and passwords, even for entirely innocent uses.

Department staff routinely monitor the use of the department's computer resources and will issue warnings or take other appropriate action if they observe misuse. The privilege of computer access may be limited or denied to any user who violates the policies described in the MSSC Account Information and Policies statement or the mission of the department.


I agree to abide by the MSSC policies for responsible use of my computer account.

Name (Please print)


