Selection Committee for Rev. Francis C. Wade, S.J., Chair

Dr. Joseph Ogbonnaya

Klingler College of Arts and Sciences


Rev. Joseph Simmons, S.J.

Klingler College of Arts and Sciences


Rev. Nathaniel Romano, S.J.

Klingler College of Arts and Sciences


Dr. Dinorah Cortes-Velez

Klingler College of Arts and Sciences


Rev. James Pribek, S.J. Klingler College of Arts and Sciences

Rev. Gregory O'Meara, S.J. (Chair)

Arrupe House; Rector, Jesuit Community

Ex officio

Ms. Julie Bach

Executive Assistant to the Provost (Program Coordinator)

Ex officio

Rev. John Thiede, S.J.

Vice President for Mission and Ministry

Ex officio

Ms. Sally Doyle Assistant Provost for Budget and Division Operations
Ex officio

Dr. Scott D'Urso

Acting Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies and Dean of the Graduate School

Ex officio


Marquette University Global Engagement Advisory Committee

The Marquette University Global Engagement Advisory Committee will bring ideas, consultation and diverse perspectives to the development of Marquette University’s initiatives for global competency and internationalization. OIE, as a catalyst for comprehensive internationalization, educates the greater Marquette community to become interculturally competent women and men for others through mutually beneficial collaborations in teaching, research and service.

In order to facilitate enhanced comprehensive internationalization, faculty members from all colleges and schools, a Division of Student Affairs representative and two (2) students will be convened by OIE for this committee.  The Marquette University Global Engagement Advisory Committee will meet two (2) times per semester.

The responsibilities of the committee:

  • Advise Provost on comprehensive internationalization strategies, including faculty/student mobility, global research and global curriculum.
  • Support the mission, vision, and strategic plan of comprehensive internationalization at Marquette.
  • Advise and participate in formulating and implementing global engagement priorities and strategic plan.
  • Review and recommend international interinstitutional agreements to the Provost.
  • Advise on policies and procedures for International Students and Scholars enrollment management, Education Abroad, Non-credit international programming and Partnerships.
  • Attend scheduled advisory committee meetings.
  • Actively promote and make decisions that are in the best interest of comprehensive internationalization at Marquette.  
Dr. Sarah Gendron Klingler College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Leigh van den Kieboom College of Education
Dr, Mark Federle Opus College of Engineering
Dr. Cindy Dodo School of Dentistry
Dr. Nathan Gilkerson Diederich College of Communication
Ms. Meghann Polivka College of Business Administration
Ms. Zoe Robinson Law School
Ms. Shannon Salter Student Affairs
Dr. Theresa Schnable College of Nursing
Ms. Barbara Burja College of Health Sciences
Ms. Madeline Macek Student
Mr. Christian Otchere Student
Ms. Karli Webster Director, Office of International Education
Ex officio


University Committee

Committee on University Honors


The Committee on University Honors is an advisory body that generates, discusses, and reviews nominations for honorary degrees and provides counsel to the provost and president. Honorary degrees must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

Each year, the committee should invite all members of the Marquette community (faculty, students and staff) to submit nominations for honorary degrees in three categories:

  1. High-profile individuals who could serve as the speaker at Commencement or at another high-level university event
  2. Individuals who have distinguished themselves as academics and/or intellectuals
  3. Individuals who have distinguished themselves in public and/or community service to our community and/or to our larger society

A goal for the committee is to recommend at least three candidates in each of the three categories listed above to the provost and president for their consideration. The committee does not simply react to nominations received; the committee generates nominations in addition to discussing nominations received from the Marquette community. To accomplish this, the committee will need to meet several times throughout the year.

From time to time, the president or provost will ask the committee to provide recommendations for nominees that he/she would like to bring to the Board of Trustees. These nominees may be time sensitive and will require the committee to meet either in person or electronically with short notice.

In undertaking its work, the committee should be mindful that Marquette University does not discriminate in any manner contrary to law or justice on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, veteran’s status or national origin.

In all cases, there should be an appropriateness of the nominees to the mission of Marquette. Because honorary degrees are not awarded in absentia or posthumously, it is also helpful to know that if an invitation is offered, this nominee will be likely to accept. Nominees who are alumni/alumnae of Marquette and/or have a connection to Marquette are more likely to be awarded an honorary degree. In undertaking its work, the committee should not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. To put it another way, all human beings have flaws, and members of the committee should appreciate the realities of the human condition.

Nomination package for each nominee will be prepared by the librarian assigned to the committee to include the dossier (name of nominee/nominator/executive summary/basic biographic data/positions held/honors received/publications), letter(s) of support submitted with nomination and copies of two to three results of Web searches of the nominee. Committee members are encouraged to conduct further Web searches of the nominee as part of their review process.

Nomination request and committee meetings should be scheduled by the committee chair to ensure results of the committee review are submitted to the Office of the President annually by May.

The committee shall be comprised of:

  • 6 faculty members (Committee on Committees and Elections selected/appointed by provost)
  • 2 undergraduate student (MUSG selected/appointed by vice president for student affairs)
  • 1 academic staff member (appointed by provost)
  • 1 alumnus/alumna (appointed by provost)
  • 1 community representative (appointed by provost)
  • The vice president for mission and ministry or an individual reporting to the vice president for mission and ministry (appointed by the president)
  • A librarian to research nominations (ex-officio)

Terms are for three years with the exception of the undergraduate student, who serves a one-year term. Committee chair is a faculty member elected by the voting members of the committee.

Dr. Felissa Lee

College of Business Administration


Ms. Lisa Grabert

College of Nursing


Mr. Bill Krueger

Marquette Alumni


Mr. James Cheatham

Diederich College of Communication


Dr. Sarah Wadsworth
Klingler College of Arts and Sciences

Ms. Katherine Cording

College of Health Sciences


Ms. Mary Louise Neugent

Community Member


Ms. Sarah Misustin (Chair)

College of Health Sciences


Dr. Cindy Petrites Academic Staff Member: Chief of Staff to the Provost

Ms. Brigid Alba

Assistant Director Campus Ministry



Student (MUSG)


  Student (MUSG)

Mr. Brendan Lenzner

Raynor Library (non-voting)

Ex officio