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- Way Klingler Faculty Development
Information about the 2023-2024 application guidelines for the three types of grants that are awarded to Marquette faculty as part of the Way Klingler Faculty Development Program will be available soon. The development program features a series of awards intended to advance research and scholarship and was made possible through an $18 million donation from Helen Way Klingler announced in May 2004.
Way Klingler Teaching Enhancement Award Fosters the development of effective and sustainable changes and innovations in teaching approaches within specific courses or clusters of courses. This annual award is given to a team of two or more faculty to develop, implement and evaluate a specific teaching project. One award of up to $20,000 will be given to the selected project team for one fiscal year. The award is competitive and will be selected by the Committee on Teaching. Each year, the provost and Committee on Teaching may identify a particular area of higher priority for projects that meet strategic academic goals to enhance teaching and learning at Marquette. The focus this year is on high-impact educational practices and student success. See the list of past winners. See recent winning abstracts. Application deadline for submission is December 8, 2023.
Way Klingler Fellowship Given to full-time regular faculty at the associate or full professor rank with significant scholarship and higher potential. Faculty will be nominated by academic deans or self-nominated with dean endorsement. Based upon a recommendation from the selection committee, Way Klingler Fellowships will be awarded in two categories, labeled “science” or “humanities/social sciences.” Science applicants are those with a track record of strong research funding whose research requires higher-expense items, such as, equipment, supplies and research staff. Typically, those from the natural sciences, engineering and biomedical science would address this category. Humanities/social science applicants are those with a national recognition for scholarship whose critical research requirements may be time, access to information and travel. Typically, those from the humanities, communication, business administration, education and many areas designated as social sciences would address this category. In some social science areas and disciplines such as nursing, it may be possible to address either category depending on the specific research focus. The selection of category is thus not one set by discipline but, rather, determined by the applicant.
Application deadline for submission by the deans is January 16, 2024. (Check with your dean’s office to confirm the college application deadline.)
Way Klingler Early Career Award Supports promising scholars in critical early stages of their careers. Up to four awards will be given for 2023-2024 to full-time regular junior faculty in the three years following their third-year review. The awards are intended to fund $2,000 in operating costs and to cover a portion of salary to afford the recipient a one-semester release from teaching. Individuals will be selected by the Committee on Research. Applications including support letters from the department chair and dean are due January 16, 2024. (Check with your dean’s office to confirm the college application deadline.)