The Office of the Provost

The Office of the Provost, under the leadership of acting provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, Dr. Sarah Feldner, encompasses Marquette University’s 10 colleges and schools, libraries, Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.

The provost and her staff’s breadth of responsibility includes coordinating the campus’ strategic planning endeavors; cultivating a learning experience that challenges and engages students while inspiring faculty research, scholarship and service; ensuring academic program quality; and encouraging the development of new and dynamic programs. With the guidance of the provost and her staff, our students’ high-quality educational experience will be upheld, and they will receive the necessary academic support services to be successful. Furthermore, under the leadership of the provost, a talented and diverse student body and faculty will be recruited and retained. The provost and her staff fully support and engage in shared governance.

Entrusted with living our mission based on the four pillars of excellence, faith, leadership and service, and driven by our vision and Guiding Values, we will strive in every way imaginable to ensure Marquette graduates will be problem-solvers and agents for change in a complex world. So in the spirit of St. Ignatius and Father Jacques Marquette, they are ready to “go and set the world on fire."

Our faculty, students and staff strive every day to Be The Difference in making our campus, city, country and world a better place.


Dr. Sarah FeldnerActing Provost Sarah Feldner, who is a professor of communication studies, previously served as acting dean of the Diederich College of Communication before she was named permanent dean in May 2020. Prior to that, she was the college’s associate dean for graduate studies and research.


The Office of the Provost has announced the funding of initiatives to support faculty mentoring, new community engaged research projects or new initiatives that will advance diversity, equity and inclusion.

News and Announcements


SIGN Up for Lunch with the Provost






Raynor Chair


academic budget/program planning workgroups overview

Diversity Dashboard




(Provost Office Short Takes)