Provost Kimo Ah Yun provided funding during the 2023-2024 academic year (mid-August to mid-May) to support two Provost Fellows to work on important university initiatives.

The Office of the Provost provided funding for a related workshop/conference (up to $2,500) as well as a $2,500 stipend for the year. Provost Fellows will work roughly 3-4 hours per week over the academic year.

In addition to working on an important university initiative, Provost Fellows will have the opportunity to attend a workshop or conference related to their projects and agreed upon with his/her project supervisor, meet on a regular basis with a member of the provost's staff whose area is connected to or oversees the initiative, pursue select leadership development opportunities, and interact with the Academic Deans' Council/Provost's Cabinet.

Provost Fellows Selected for 2023-2024

Dr. Scott Reid, Professor of Chemistry - Student Success

Reid will focus on student success research, connecting faculty/staff across campus engaged in student success research and practice to provide visibility for their work and laying the groundwork for future collaborations across colleges. As a first-generation student, Reid has a longstanding interest in student success and has helped spearhead many initiatives in the first year chemistry courses at Marquette. These have included flipping the classroom, course restructuring to emphasize core disciplinary ideas, use of diagnostic and preparatory modules, and changes in assessment strategies that emphasize the use of low-stakes assessments.


Dr. Scott D'Urso, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Development in the Graduate School - Faculty Affairs

D'Urso will continue his work transitioning the university to the new faculty activity tracking system Faculty Success, co-leading the implementation committee and providing training to faculty across campus. With the new system in place, Marquette will have access to better and more useful data that faculty and administrators can use to make data-informed decisions. D'Urso's background in organizational communication and communication technology was valuable in guiding this successful two-year endeavor. He and the committee look forward to bringing more benefits to faculty and administrators in the coming year.


Provost Fellows Selected for 2020-2021

Dr. Kristin Haglund, Professor, College of Nursing - Community Engagement

Haglund will oversee the curriculum development and facilitation for the Community of Practice for Community Engaged Scholars.

In 2019-20, Haglund oversaw the development of a set of competencies and the creation of a curriculum for a six-week pilot Community of Practice for Community Engaged Scholars. New and mid-level faculty met at various locations throughout the city to discuss topics including cultural humility, identity/intersectionality, community engagement in research, community engagement in teaching, partnership development/maintenance and grant writing.

Haglund will continue this work through an expansion of the curriculum into a more comprehensive 12-week experience, deepening her understanding of current community engagement best practices in research/teaching, broadening her campus network through one-on-one meetings and larger focus groups with current community engaged scholars and establishing meaningful relationships with local community partners.

Haglund will also work with the Community of Practice to consider innovative approaches and collaborations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Haglund will work closely with Dr. Dan Bergen, executive director of community engagement in the Office of Economic Engagement.


Dr. Martin St. Maurice, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Biological Sciences - Undergraduate Research

St. Maurice has mentored approximately 30 undergraduate researchers during his 11 years at Marquette. He seeks to build on efforts to enhance awareness of undergraduate research and expand student access to research opportunities on campus.

As a provost fellow, he will explore mechanisms to increase diversity, equity and inclusion among the students and disciplines participating in research experiences on campus.


To apply

Provost Fellows may be faculty or staff and should gain permission to pursue an initiative prior to application.

Interested faculty/staff should provide a statement of interest (no more than two pages) that includes relevant experience in relation to the initiative as well as a clear explanation of how the skills acquired through this program support the candidate's professional interests and goals.

For more information, please contact John Su, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs