- Career Center Career Research Guide
The Career Research Guide provides an overview of a variety of resources related to career topics. In particular, you will now find all books on career-related topics through this guide as we move away from a physical library in the Career Center and toward the use of e-books.
- "What Can I Do with This Major?"
Wondering how to connect majors to careers? Click on MAJORS of interest to see outlines of common career areas, employers, and strategies designed to maximize career opportunities. Used with permission by the University of Tennessee
- GoinGlobal - Access to GoinGlobal is sponsored by the Office of International Education
Going Global is the ultimate international job seeker's guide. The site contains country-specific career and employment resources, worldwide internship and job listings as well as country-specific corporate profiles. Plus, International Students can search for positions in the H1B/OPT tab. GoinGlobal now includes access to CultureWizard, which aims to help students "become more effective in your communications across cultures and interact more successfully with friends and colleagues from around the globe."
- Undergraduate/Graduate Students and Alumni can access GoinGlobal via Handshake
- ImaginePhD Graduate students (and prospective graduate students) in the humanities and social sciences can create a free account and benefit from ImaginePhD's assessments, job family resources about multiple pathways they could pursue, and more.
- SimplyHired
SimplyHired.com is a vertical job search engine that pulls listings from thousands of sites across the Web including the leading job boards, company career sites, newspapers, non-profits, government sites, and more. Simply Hired allows job seekers to search all of the jobs on the Web in one place for free.
- Indeed
A search engine for jobs, allowing job seekers to find jobs posted on thousands of company sites and job boards.
- LinkedIn
Build and engage with your professional network. Manage your professional identity. Access knowledge, insights, and opportunities.
- Glassdoor
Glassdoor is the world's most transparent career community that is changing the way people find jobs, and companies recruit top talent. Marquette students have full access to everything Glassdoor has to offer.
- The Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Occupational Outlook Handbook features: all 250 outlook statements from the print version of this annual government publication. This site includes hypertext links to related occupations.
- O*Net OnLine Center
O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work and occupational information for use by job seekers, students, researchers, and more!
- Career Info Net
Find wages and employment trends, occupational requirements, state by state labor market conditions.
- Educate to Career (ETC) Salary Calculator Center
Explore compensation data as a job seeker or human resource professional.
Online Resources for Learning New Skills
Are you looking to gain additional skills?