Welcome to Core Curriculum at Marquette University!

News and Events

MCC Updates

MCC is co-sponsoring talks by Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Professor Doug E. Christie on Wednesday, October 1 at 4 pm (Beaumier Suites) and Thursday, October 2 at 2 pm (Marquette Hall 105).  For more information, check our Events Page.

Congratulations to Dr. Bin Wang of the Department of Finance, winner of the 2023 MCC Teaching Excellence Award!

The Marquette Core Curriculum (MCC) is the center of every Marquette University student’s educational experience. The learning outcomes of the Core are rooted in Jesuit perspective and values, and focus on creating students who communicate responsibly and ethically, engage the world as moral actors and citizens with purpose, collaborate with diverse others using a broad disciplinary focus, and become leaders in discovery to solve global problems. For more information about the goals of the Core Curriculum, visit the Learning Outcomes page.


Get Involved in the MCC!

The MCC Committee is now accepting proposals for new classes in the core. For more, visit the Core Proposals Page.

The Marquette Core Curriculum sponsors and co-sponsors events related to Core classes throughout the academic year. To see all of the upcoming events, check out the Core Events page.

All approved courses for ESSV1, ESSV2, Writing Intensive, and Discovery Themes can be found in the University Undergraduate BulletinFor a list of courses newly approved for the Marquette Core Curriculum, please visit the New Course Approved for MCC page.

Forms and Documents