Faculty Awards and Accomplishments

The Department of English congratulates:


  • Dr. Amelia Zurcher (with Dr. Amber Wichowsky, Political Science) on receiving a Way Klingler Teaching Enhancement Award as well as a grant from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations to develop an innovative, cross-disciplinary curriculum on civic reasoning and discourse skills for first-year students. 
  • Dr. Sarah Wadsowrth on receiving a summer stipend from the National Endowment for the Humanities to support work on her book project, “In Deepest Sympathy: An Anthology of Letters from the Nineteenth Century.”
  • Dr. Melissa Ganz on receiving a Way Klingler Fellowship to support work on her book project, "Criminal Responsibility and the British Novel, 1837-1907."


  • Dr. Albert Rivero on receiving a 2023 University Teaching Excellence Award.
  • Dr. Lilly Campbell on receiving the 2023 Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Faculty Award.
  • Dr. Samantha Majhor on receiving a Mellon Grant to create a digital Storymap of Dakota homelands. 
  • Dr. Sarah Wadsworth on receiving a 2023 President's Challenge Grant for "Changing the Story: The Story Fellow Program."
  • Dr. Gerry Canavan, Dr. Jodi Melamed, and Dr. Amelia Zurcher on their promotions to Professor (effective Fall 2023).
  • Dr. Tyler Farrell, Dr. Paul Gagliardi, and Dr. Jacob Riyeff on their promotion to Teaching Associate Professor and Dr. Jenna Green on her promotion to Teaching Assistant Professor (effective Fall 2023).


  • Dr. Lilly Campbell, Dr. Jason Farr, and Dr. Elizaveta Strakhov on their promotions to Associate Professor with tenure (effective Fall 2022).
  • Dr. Gerry Canavan, recipient of a 2022 University Teaching Excellence Award.


  • Dr. Cedric Burrows and Dr. B. Pladek on their promotions to Associate Professor with tenure, and Dr. Leah Flack on her promotion to Professor (effective Fall 2021).
  • Dr. Sarah Wadsworth, who was named Director of Marquette University Press.
  • Prof. C.J. Hribal, recipient of a 2021 University Teaching Excellence Award.
  • Dr. Jason Farr, recipient of a 2021 Way Klingler Early Career Award and a Newberry Fellowship.
  • Dr. Cedric Burrows and Dr. Lilly Campbell, who were named Difference Makers during President Michael Lovell's February 2021 address.
  • Dr. Lilly Campbell, who received a National Science Foundation Discovery Award with Co-Principal Investigators Shion Guha (Computer Science) and Amrita George (Management).


  • Dr. Elizabeth Angeli on her promotion to Associate Professor with tenure, and Dr. Heather Hathaway and Dr. Rebecca Nowacek on their promotions to Professor (effective Fall 2020).
  • Dr. Cedric Burrows, who received the 2020 Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Faculty Award from Marquette University.
  • Dr. Jodi Melamed, who received a 2020 Teaching Excellence Award from Marquette University.
  • Dr. Melissa Ganz, who received a Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Faculty Fellowship at the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University for 2020-21 (deferred to 2021-22 due to the pandemic).
  • Dr. Sarah Wadsworth, who received a 2020 Interdisciplinary Summer Pilot Grant from Marquette's Institute for Women's Leadership.
  • Dr. Elizabeth Angeli, recipient of the 2020 Conference on College Composition and Communication Award for Best Book in Technical or Scientific Communication for Rhetorical Work in Emergency Medical Services: Communicating in the Unpredictable Workplace (Routledge, 2019).
  • Dr. Cedric Burrows, who discussed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and legacy on WUWM-FM (89.7) on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 20, 2020.
  • Dr. Jodi Melamed, winner of the 2019-2020 University Sabbatical Fellowship Award.


  • Dr. Lilly Campbell, recipient of the 2019 Conference on College Composition and Communication Award for Best Article Reporting Historical Research or Textual Studies for “Simulation Genres and Student Uptakes: The Patient Health Record in Clinical Nursing Simulations,” which appeared in Written Communication (2017).
  • Dr. Melissa Ganz, recipient of the 2018 Walker Cowen Memorial Prize in Eighteenth-Century Studies for Public Vows: Fictions of Marriage in the English Enlightenment, published by the University of Virginia Press.

  • Prof. C.J. Hribal, who won the 2017 Goldenberg Prize for Fiction from the Bellevue Literary Review for his story “Do I Look Sick to You? (Notes on How to Make Love to a Cancer Patient).” The story also won a Puschart Prize for Fiction and appeared in the 2019 Pushcart Prize anthology.