Cujé Milwaukee Music Collection


The Jean Cujé Milwaukee Music Collection is a unique collection of music in all formats recorded by artists in the Milwaukee area, gathered through donations and purchased to serve the local community. Materials include compact discs, cassettes, phonodiscs, videos and related items. Music of all types is collected, including classical, jazz, folk, rock, etc., recorded by artists who have spent most of their careers living and performing in the Milwaukee area. The circulating collection is housed on open shelving on the second floor of the Raynor Library. Marquette ID holders may borrow items from the collection for a 5 day period. Persons with no current Marquette affiliation may request items by interlibrary loan through their local library.

Archival Collections also maintains a collection of recordings which do not circulate. Other archival materials include posters, band information, and miscellaneous publications. 

Graphic for Jean Cujé Music Collection

Jean Cujé

Named after and dedicated to the memory of Jean Cujé, a library cataloger who died in November 1992, the collection combines Jean's love of music with her career of providing people with educational and recreational materials through libraries. In addition to being a librarian, Jean also played the bassoon with such renowned groups as the American Ballet Theatre, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, and others. She received a Bachelor of Music degree from Oberlin Conservatory of Music and a Master of Library Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Before joining the Marquette University Memorial Library, she was a part time music teacher with the Milwaukee Public School System. Jean served the Marquette community as a librarian from 1979 to 1992.

Donations or more information

If you are interested in donating recordings, providing information about your music, or are interested in more information regarding the Cujé Collection, please contact Amy Cooper Cary at

Locating Items in the Collection

To determine whether the Cujé Collection has recordings by specific artists or bands, go to MARQCAT and:

  • select Author
  • then search the name of the group or artist (last name first) 

To browse a complete listing of all recordings in the collection by Cujé call number, click here, or go to MARQCAT and:

  • select Call Number & Other Numbers
  • select Other Call Number
  • then enter "Cuje" as the search term.

Browse a complete listing of all recordings by title.



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