Summer at Marquette

JAA Recognition Awards judging criteria

Awards Mainpage | Process | Judging | Categories | Entry Form

The Judges
Category chairs select three judges with expertise in the field who work outside their institution’s advancement office. Each judge scores the entrants independently, and the category chairs then tally the results to determine the first-place and runner-up winners.

The Criteria
Judges will be attentive to the goals you had in mind when beginning the project, the audience you were trying to influence, and the decisions you had to make when implementing the project, such as in-house vs. external, budget constraints, location, etc. They will look for quality and success: quality as measured by appearance and substance; success as measured by your description and any data that shows the effectiveness in relation to your goals.

The Awards
Awards will be presented and winning entries displayed at the JAA 2016 Conference at Marquette University, July 17-19, 2016. Note that awards will be determined by the quality of the entry rather than the number of submissions. If not warranted, a runner-up may not be named.