Special Academic Programs


At Marquette, we recognize that no two students have the same journey or destination. Several programs are available to support students who want to round out their studies.


Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines — Marquette is nationally known for its tradition of excellence in preparing students in the Reserve Officer Training Corps. You will have the opportunity to compete for some serious scholarships that can cover nearly the entire cost of your Marquette education. Find out more:

Honors Program

Are you the kind of student who stays after class to ask one more question? You should know about Marquette's Honors Program, a sequence of courses designed to meet the needs of the university's most intellectually curious students.

Educational Opportunity Program

Marquette is a national leader in providing academic opportunity to first-generation college students, students from under-represented groups or ethnicities and students from low-income families.

Emerging Scholars Program

The Emerging Scholars Program (ESP) is an academic support program especially designed for entering freshmen who desire a jumpstart on the Marquette college experience in a close-knit community. Students self-selecting to participate in this unique Marquette program not only work ahead by earning three credits in the summer, but also benefit from academic support and personalized advising throughout their freshman year and beyond.