Other Information

Distance Services | Employment | Library News Archive | Databases Trials | Scheduled Outages |  Services for Disabled Patrons | Upcoming Library Events | Z39.50

Distance services

Raynor Library provide library services to Marquette users who are currently affiliated with the University but are on sabbatical, dissertating out of state, or are on internships or other placements. Click above for more information on eligibility and how to apply.


When there are positions available (both student and staff), they are posted on the jobs page.

Library news archive

An archive of past news items about the Libraries.

Database trials

The Libraries periodically arrange trial access to databases we are considering purchasing. On the right side of this page you can find which trials are on-going, try out the databases yourself, and let us know what you think of them.

Scheduled outages

Occasionally database vendors notify us that their service will be disrupted for maintenance or an upgrade. We post such notices here.

Services for disabled patrons

Marquette University and the Raynor Library offer assistance to accommodate library usage for those with special needs. Here is more information about the services and resources available.

Software / hardware

Raynor Library have 250+ computers available for use. Here’s information about them…

Upcoming library events

Learn about presentations, symposia, staff events, and other goings-on coming up at the Libraries.

Z39.50 settings

You may need to know these settings when using citation management services (e.g. RefWorks, EndnoteWeb, ProCite) with MARQCAT, our online catalog.